the fork with the minority of hash-power has to create a separate token if they believe in it that much; right now it looks like BCHABC will have the option of splitting off
everyone who uses `Faketoshi` needs to read this - would be dumb for CSW to actually prove that he is Satoshi; it's enough that Ross Ulbricht is in prison
why not just drop the block-size limit entirely RIGHT NOW? what are the arguments for keeping an arbitrary cap? let the miner just stamp into a block whatever arrives & whatever it can handle
muhammad is the guinness world record keeper for number of acts of violent jihad (90; one every 6 weeks before his death); this person is the perfect example to live by in islam 😞💩
`LR: Oh that darkspace fucker left? .. Good riddance you sick ignorant fuck.` $LR you are a toxic c#$t; people leave to avoid you, guessing this is also probably true for you IRL #RIP