Liberty Motherfucking Prime

Joined Aug 06, 2018

I am Liberty Prime. I am... America.

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2400d · Capitalism
Humans are cockroaches. They simply cannot be eradicated with such ease.
2400d · Capitalism
Not even all the nukes in the world could do that.
2400d · Capitalism
They don't need saving from the system, because gasp! it isn't destructive. Humanity does not posess the capability to destroy the world, or life as we know it.
2400d · Capitalism
Like they ever needed a reason aside from wanting what they don't have.
2400d · Capitalism
But none of this matters, because global warming is bullshit fearmongering excuse for the poor to eat the rich.
2400d · Capitalism
You'll still be able to live on Earth. In a post-apocalyptic shanty town.
2400d · Capitalism
Besides, society will break down and every government and corporation on Earth will collapse before any capitalist can ever make Earth uninhabitable.
2400d · Capitalism
Great plan.
2400d · Capitalism
So Step 1: Be rich. Step 2: Be healthy weight, proper height, and have literally zero pre-existing conditions. Step 3: Spend 3 years in astronaut training. Step 4: Live on Mars (if 2050+) or die
2400d · Capitalism
Honestly, if that's what you honestly think capitalists are doing, you and your red commie friends can take solace in knowing they are guranteed to die.
2400d · Capitalism
No way to grow food, no source of air, no infrastructure to extract and filter the little amount of frozen ice they found.
2400d · Capitalism
Well that, and even if the rocket did exist today, it's not like we have the technology to live on Mars once you get there.
2400d · Capitalism
You see, there is this thing called astronaut training, and astronaut selection.
2400d · Capitalism
It won't exist for at least another 10-30 years and they won't let just anyone with a big enough wire transfer board the rocket.
2400d · Capitalism
Elon Musk right? Oh wait, the rocket doesn't exist.
2400d · Capitalism
Who do you talk to to get me one of those escape the end of the world and the horde of angry communist tickets?
replied 2401d
You play PC games? Or console?
2401d · Capitalism
Instead of, as we all know admitting that he was completely wrong.
2401d · Capitalism
He is in the dark and hiding. No longer are the glory days of espousing the end of the world. Now KillGore just throws out quiet documentaries weeping about how he was only slightly wrong.
set profile 2401d
I am Liberty Prime. I am... America.
2401d · Capitalism
Once everyone becomes communist, i guess the C02 just disappears and Utopia arrives!
2401d · Capitalism
I wonder how the communists plan to produce everything the capitalists do for people without all the waste and environmental impact?
2401d · Capitalism
Ah yes, and later they will say the same. All to keep America in fear.
2401d · US Politics/Trump
Oh, he does believe the things he says. And like all communists, he will pay dearly for them when communism fails, again.