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2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
This explains “rise and fall” of any power- or state-based system throughout history.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Wealth creating inevitably sooner or later leads to wealth destruction.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
The problem of state power vs. private economic activities is per definitionem unsolvable.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
This we actually can study watching the exploding indebtedness of “democratic” powers.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Nonetheless the breakdown of all property-systems is inevitable.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
.. the longer the process called “creation of wealth” (recte: later income or property) can endure, because the more power-sustaining taxes can be imposed.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
The more (existing) property is ceded by the state to the private sector or can be created as income after cession to the private sector ...
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... by the party which will get this income or property (goods) with other parties.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Interest then is the partition (cession) of forced or expected income (as measured in the state - owned monopoly to declare “legal tender”) or property (goods) ..
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... or even an mysterious item that “enlarges” something.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... thereby rather a discount of the state-owned property (monopoly of armed force) or property rights (monopoly of taxation) than any private “property premium” ...
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
This “interest”, which always starts with power-based and never with “private” titles is nothing but a discount, ...
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Therefore the state faces the problem of pre-financing itself (power, sovereignty) and it must draw on later tributes or taxes.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... which only can be executed with use of armed force, can’t be financed out of property or income which can only appear after its existence.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Interest also at first is the tax (census) itself. The state, that must exist before property and property-based contracts ...
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... to precious metal and actually into any material which can be monopolized by the state.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... the one-way-money turns into circulating “genuine money” in modern sense and its material changes from weapon-fitting
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
As soon as defence and protection of the (property-) title power executed by armed force in war and peace needs mercenaries (soldiers from outside the power system)...
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Thus non - circulating money begins. Taxes as “census” and money are the same."
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
The first taxes are contributions of material for the production of attack weapons (copper, tin).
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Armed force starts additional production (surplus, tribute).
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
... because the possession of it guarantees property of it.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
The ultimate “foundation of the economy” thus is the weapon, where possession and property are identical ...
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
The state needs foregoing power and foregoing power needs armed force.
2458d · Debitism - by Dr. Paul C. Martin
Private property as de iure institution needs a foregoing state to come into existence.