
Joined Apr 16, 2018

I have 5 billion reasons and I only learn when I am wrong Twitter@BitcoinJerry HandCash $jerryfrench

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replied 2018d
Yes, Ed your the man, Lighting, Segwit, Liquid is BS. "Segwit coin is not Bitcoin" thanks for saying out loud!
2018d · Ed
Who is really scamming you by using Bitcoin name for something that is not Bitcoin?
set profile 2036d
I have 5 billion reasons and I only learn when I am wrong Twitter@BitcoinJerry HandCash $jerryfrench
2061d ·
Come for the greed stay for the service.
2061d ·
No lines on BCH! Going to TacoBell
replied 2081d
Perfect, Not as Beachen as the last one. Just Kidding! Your consistency is rock solid as always. thank you Roger and Corbin.
The latest Bitcoin Cash news roundup is live. Tokens/Crowdsales are happening on Bitcoin Cash!! Discussing Alex Jones and Gun Control...Don't forget to share the video to help BCH grow!
unfollowed 2083d
replied 2083d
I am only one min into watching and could not wait to commit, perfect timing, perfect subject, and perfect delivery! This subject is being over looked. Thanks Boss man. love it.
replied 2083d
I am only one min into watching and could not wait to commit, perfect timing, perfect subject, and perfect delivery! This subject is being over looked. Thanks Boss man. love it.
"Bitcoin Core (BTC) has driven out anybody who understands economics, and so are incapable of building an economic system." - @Falkvinge
followed 2083d
POW ea67aa17cad591f14921c49d59b31f47f208d3d3ce9265f265eabe418e643f55
2092d · Ed
Celebrating Bitcoin Cash Independence Day by USING Peer-to-Peer Digital CASH System :-)
What’s the difference between Bitcoin and NASA?
Bitcoin’s going back to the moon.
replied 2094d
followed 2096d
unfollowed 2096d
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followed 2096d
followed 2096d
followed 2096d
followed 2096d