
Joined Apr 16, 2018

I have 5 billion reasons and I only learn when I am wrong Twitter@BitcoinJerry HandCash $jerryfrench

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replied 2134d
Paper link
I regularly see people move their preference from BTC to BCH - but i never see anyone change from BCH to BTC
2136d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
2136d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
replied 2139d
sound good.
replied 2139d
Rothbard's Disciple
thats greek to me.
replied 2139d
En Fri Mand
would answer, but how would I prove it.
replied 2146d
Thank you, Jerry!
replied 2142d
What if its not real the goal but a way to force a free floating real time market, by taking away the crunch ( on a small # per TX) could that be like taking the training wheels off?
Betrayed by my own family members who think I'm some kind of a villain. I've never been so hurt in my life by the actions of people that I loved and trusted. Only grateful for my AWESOME wife for standing by my side.
set name to 2143d
set profile 2144d
Bitcoin Cash Maximalist for 5 billion reasons. - Jerry French or BritcoinJerry Twitter.
followed 2144d
the revolution will not be tweeted. the revolution will be op_returned.
replied 2148d
Rothbard's Disciple
what is a good hashing calculator? my ad oku:029945386eb982f908913d1ab7ed5bf3b33dbd4d185aec19126f98dc0e1fd467ae?name=BitcoinJerry
Rothbard's Disciple
replied 2156d
Rothbard's Disciple
bd0356bbc9bfa4f385660913d8656c233500b23e7609214544bb0a881714f358 / 72682c4c90143bc422af2493b826972b2e5c66cb50a3d6041be3e746716ef691
replied 2149d
If your the real thing please say taco in next broad cast. Please.
replied 2149d
I thought this was so good I reposed on twitter, hope thats ok, tell me if not I will take it down.
replied 2149d
I assume you mean forced monopolys not Starbucks and Google? Right?
replied 2149d
This is how its done, easy how to videos. great job.
Made a how-to video about CoinText:
replied 2149d
please explain?
replied 2150d
Sk8eM dUb
This legislation path is a slippery slope of control. Every1 agrees, harming/ selling your child is wrong. (If everyone agrees why do you need the law?)