
Joined Apr 17, 2018

Use Bitcoin Cash.

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Happy to announce the release of Memo!
Roger Ver's Bitcoin weekly update show is out -
replied 2341d
Me neither. It seems that post cf5e458c2f81b40b25441d9c1e11353c9f8ccc6edf44aee0ca6ab386d5a93a6f doesn't exist.
replied 2343d
Ok! That's fine then.
followed 2343d
followed 2343d
replied 2343d
What are we supposed to see?
It's funny to think that many generations from now people will look at the weird data posted in he BCH blockchain and laugh. I could totally see Blockchain Historians and Anthropologist going crazy over these things.
Introducing Oyo.cash - search the Bitcoin Cash blockchain for text - https://oyo.cash
2354d · Bitcoin Cash
How and why bitcoin split into Bitcoin-BTC and Bitcoin-BCH
replied 2357d
I just looked at it, I used a python script of my own. Even if I search for "[0-9]8whc" (which is described in their code), the first address I get is not the right one.
replied 2358d
I followed their process: start "with the 160-bit all-zero hash value" and loop "upward with step-size 1 until an address ended with substring 'whc'".
replied 2358d
I tried to verify. Actually there is a lot of addresses which could be used. The first one is qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqr5w5w5x8rwhc with the payload 0x7475. This is strange.
replied 2358d
Have you read this? There doesn’t seem to be any fuckery https://medium.com/@wormholecash/on-the-burning-address-of-wormhole-protocol-3962ffa8de96
replied 2358d
What are doing on memo? You cannot block people here. 137 zeros in binary representation is enough i think.
Bitcoin.com sponsored a special behind the scenes documentary on world class MMA fighter Rory MacDonald - A must watch for Bitcoin or MMA fans
replied 2358d
So inspiring!
New Roger Ver Weekly show is up on Bitcoin.com Official Channel:
voted Yes 2361d
created poll 2362d
Can polls be manipulated? (poll automated voting example)
Yes 10 votes · 600 satoshis
No 1 votes · 0 satoshis


set profile pic 2363d
voted Bitcoin.com 2363d
created poll 2364d
Which BCH wallet do you use?
Electron Cash 19 votes (18 unique) · 550 satoshis
Bitcoin.com 28 votes (26 unique) · 1,146 satoshis
Handcash 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis
BTC.com 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Coinbase 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
Jaxx 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Bitcoin Cash wallet 1 votes (1 unique) · 600 satoshis
other (indicate in reply) 10 votes (10 unique) · 600 satoshis


Memo is the first dapp that has more users than investors.
Roger shares his thoughts on his discussions with Charlie Lee, Tone Vays, Jimmy Song and all other bitcoin cash news in his latest update video:
replied 2367d
Great! #BCH
2367d · memo
#memo now supports #hashtags!