current drama should be motivating everyone to make Bitcoin-protocol as set in stone as possible, to make sure no one in the future is able to repeat this with whatever crazy changes
Sure - but I see ABC's roadmap as critical optimizations in order to scale to terrabyte blocks.
#bugreport: I cannot see my #memochicken post on memo, but I can see it on the Blockchair block explorer. My txid: 33eef67e52ad6fcfd7b9a40946146645882650870908f98005db861ffaa52f19
With different inputs Memo doesn't know which address to attribute the post to. This is something we should still store though. Thank you for reporting.
#bugreport: I cannot see my #memochicken post on memo, but I can see it on the Blockchair block explorer. My txid: 33eef67e52ad6fcfd7b9a40946146645882650870908f98005db861ffaa52f19
Seems like is not handling "multi inputs" transaction but is handling multi outputs ones : 069061b41d47a757f791e19eaab0872fcb8ae7a1c3a4f4c1f300ad103a9995d4
That's assuming the BCH chain lasts that long. Bitcoin itself has only existed about 10 years or so. Who can say what will happen in the next 20-40?
I guess it's just hard for me to imagine BCH not reaching it's full potential. It's like watching a movie, being introduced to a character, and knowing they will save the day.
It's funny to think that many generations from now people will look at the weird data posted in he BCH blockchain and laugh. I could totally see Blockchain Historians and Anthropologist going crazy over these things.