
Joined Apr 17, 2018

Use Bitcoin Cash.

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replied 2318d
Thanks to $TheWildCard and the other tipper!
2318d · Random acts of Handcash
My handcash handle is $lugaxker if you want to send me some satoshis
replied 2322d
Wow! @_opreturn
replied 2322d
He is!
replied 2322d
Thanks for the insight! Multiple input addresses to be accurate. It is a memobutton issue.
2322d · memo
#bugreport: I cannot see my #memochicken post on memo, but I can see it on the Blockchair block explorer. My txid: 33eef67e52ad6fcfd7b9a40946146645882650870908f98005db861ffaa52f19
replied 2339d
Me neither. It seems that post cf5e458c2f81b40b25441d9c1e11353c9f8ccc6edf44aee0ca6ab386d5a93a6f doesn't exist.
replied 2341d
Ok! That's fine then.
replied 2341d
What are we supposed to see?
replied 2355d
I just looked at it, I used a python script of my own. Even if I search for "[0-9]8whc" (which is described in their code), the first address I get is not the right one.
replied 2356d
I followed their process: start "with the 160-bit all-zero hash value" and loop "upward with step-size 1 until an address ended with substring 'whc'".
replied 2356d
I tried to verify. Actually there is a lot of addresses which could be used. The first one is qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqr5w5w5x8rwhc with the payload 0x7475. This is strange.
replied 2356d
What are doing on memo? You cannot block people here. 137 zeros in binary representation is enough i think.
replied 2356d
So inspiring!
replied 2365d
Great! #BCH
2380d · Stress Test Game: Guess the largest block!
31,999,150 B
Happy Stress Test Day!
replied 2381d
Thanks for the advice! Txstreet improved a lot. Stress test day tomorrow!
replied 2397d
100,000,000 satoshis!
2411d · Bitcoin Cash
Happy independence day!
2423d · Bitcoin Cash
Remember, remember, the 12th of November...
2423d · Bitcoin Cash
Remember, remember, the 12th of November...
replied 2426d
Is there another website that is using memo protocol?
replied 2447d
Right! Thanks
replied 2447d
Can I hide likes from my events feed?