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Seems like is not handling "multi inputs" transaction but is handling multi outputs ones : 069061b41d47a757f791e19eaab0872fcb8ae7a1c3a4f4c1f300ad103a9995d4
Thanks for the insight! Multiple input addresses to be accurate. It is a memobutton issue.
#bugreport: I cannot see my #memochicken post on memo, but I can see it on the Blockchair block explorer. My txid: 33eef67e52ad6fcfd7b9a40946146645882650870908f98005db861ffaa52f19
Someone said they signed in with their credentials and got into my account. But Memo responded:
I used it to search "cain" and came across this. Wondering if this happened or not. In any case, I changed my password.
Ruh roh. They refer to this github page, is that what you used?
I just looked at it, I used a python script of my own. Even if I search for "[0-9]8whc" (which is described in their code), the first address I get is not the right one.
I tried to verify. Actually there is a lot of addresses which could be used. The first one is qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqr5w5w5x8rwhc with the payload 0x7475. This is strange.
I followed their process: start "with the 160-bit all-zero hash value" and loop "upward with step-size 1 until an address ended with substring 'whc'".
Have you read this? There doesn’t seem to be any fuckery
I tried to verify. Actually there is a lot of addresses which could be used. The first one is qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqr5w5w5x8rwhc with the payload 0x7475. This is strange.
Stress test tomorrow! If you're watching on txstreet, be sure to enable "Auto Scroll BCH". Also I'd recommend lowering the frame rate when the flood of txs come through.
Thanks for the advice! Txstreet improved a lot. Stress test day tomorrow!
Memo update released:
- Dust consolidation for all actions
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- New account page