
Joined Aug 11, 2019

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replied 2031d
If we had a BCH Kickstarter-DApp anyone could start, fund, and build projects easily and full-time. We are on a multi-billion dollar blockchain, but still have trouble funding projects
replied 2031d
That is good, but the 'funding DApp development' problem would still exist. Until Dapps and projects r properly funded like other businesses growth will always b slow. Funding = Speed
I just realized I probably spent 15+ hrs this week on Memo.cash and it's Thursday #dailymemo https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F3PD8W2OogE0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&f=1
2042d · Tokens
If you need to get rid of fake tokens, one option is to send them to the bitcoin eater address - https://memo.cash/profile/1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE
replied 2033d
I was wondering the same thing. I'd love to figure out a way to make Memo.cash development a full-time career. That's way the developers could focus more on new features to compete
For those who want a better understanding of the story behind the US China trade War, Mike Maloney posted a great video on it recently here:
replied 2033d
If you want a better understanding of the story behind the US China trade War, Mike Maloney posted a great video on it here:
replied 2033d
This is a great feature! I'm glad to see more progress.
2033d · memo
You can now link your Twitter account in settings and automatically post Memos. Thanks @JettScythe for pushing for this, it's now a native feature :)
created poll 2035d
In the next year, which will increase BCH user adoption most?
followed 2035d
replied 2035d
It's the effect of a broken monetary system. It causes disorder at every level.
replied 2036d
Honest.cash has the brightest future primarily because it's built on Bitcoin Cash which underlying blckchn has the least amount of restrictions. Plus, it is production ready today
replied 2036d
A serious blogger is not going to want to wait two years to rceieve their full payout which is what Steem requires, which is also one reason it has still not caught on.
replied 2036d
For posting long-form content. I say that because Steem blockchain and others like it both fail to me becuz they rely on inflation-based voting which is inferior to direct tipping
replied 2036d
I looked through all of the Dapp options and as it stands Honest.cash is still the best option despite it's limited editor tools.