Yesterday BCH: 690216-688942=1274 memo txs. num of txs📉20.8%, acount for 3.3% of all BCH txs(38320) BSV: 820131-819943=188 memo txs. num of txs📈17.5%, (518985) BTC: (264874), BCH/BTC=14.5%
SLP usage this month is higher than the previous 3 months combined...and we still have more than a week left in October!
Tip me some tokens and I'll tip you back. ♡
SLP usage is definitely up.. seeing talks about it all over, tips flying around, and a lot more interest!
Yesterday BCH: 492880-491784=1096 memo txs. num of tx📉27.7%, account for 2.4% of all BCH txs(44786) BSV: 786381-786320=61. num of txs📉93.5%, (116198) BTC: (285065) Tx: BCH/BTC=15.7%