To fill 32MBs at 1sat/byte fees, 0.32BCH will be needed. Isn't that pretty low? If we get 32 people to donate 0.01BCH (<$10) we can fill a block. Is my math correct?
The main aim of the stress test is not to fill a block (that's easy) but to process more than 5 million tx in 24 hours, thats more than 10x what any chain has ever seen in a day
The main aim of the stress test is not to fill a block (that's easy) but to process more than 5 million tx in 24 hours, thats more than 10x what any chain has ever seen in a day
correction, 10x the BTC chain, and roughly 4x what ETH has done in a day, but previously those both chains have failed at handling such numbers, we want to prove BCH doesnt fail.
I link the idea of setting up a fund to create sufficient transactions for the D-day. However remember that we need not only 1 blocks but rather 24(hrs) x 6 blocks or ~46 BCH
So BlockPress is dead... Looks like Memo is now my permanent home.Wish @memo could up the UI game... Take notes from BlockPress. Memo is still absolutely hideous.
is this your creation?
Can somebody plse tell me why so many passengers are left standing when 32mb train leaves the station?
and, when are the 1mb'ers going to jump to other side?
yes it’s my site. thanks for the feedback. sometimes blocks and tx can get slightly out of sync, and blocks don’t always include all tx. updates are coming to help.
MATCH #14/64
Monday, 18 Jun, 18:00 UTC
1) Place your bets as tips when you vote
Max: 10 mil sats/bet
Min: 100k sats/bet
Let's not split hairs here, left or right, we all want the same thing. Sound money, the death of banks, and a fair and equal economy for all! #bchforeveryone
Why doesn't somebody just port their protocol to be memo compatable? If it's open source it could be done permissionlessly too lol. Just take the code and get the domain when they fold
There's actually no need for two different protocols. Their protocol does the same stuff as memo's.
organising an event for Sept1 to push number of transactions thru memo, blockchainapp, mttr, cointext, handcash, yours, txhighway, bitcoinsubway.
Any people here keen to grow?
Bitcoin (BCH) is a great example of how Bitcoin survives after a takeover attempt (its impossible). Should something similar happen again, we can fork off. We must never lose sight of Bitcoin's raison d'être.