
Joined Apr 16, 2018

A storyteller suit who recently evolved into a blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast.

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replied 1559d
For (channel) moderator, check your logs and other team members.
For modified/advanced personal vaporizer, check changes in smell and amount of smoke.
Other mods are beyond me.
replied 1559d
The BTC maximalist surely can brag on the higher price... while drenching cold sweat, if not crying out blood already!!!
replied 1559d
Faucet worked for me a minute ago…
followed 1559d
listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1559d

Midyear last year @dixnorkel sent me Spice tokens.

Hadn't the slightest idea of its usefulness then. Only now do I start to see it around me. Thank you @dixnorkel for hinting me early!
replied 1560d
Now that you detailed it a bit, I recall seeing a dice game of some sort for one of them...
replied 1560d
Fresh point of view... when I thought I've seen it all... 👍
followed 1560d