AustEcon [SV]

Joined May 04, 2018

Voluntaryist. Austrian economics. Truth, Liberty & Bitcoin cash.

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2289d · Capitalism
-ED- One thing I want to say: It is very hard being so outnumbered. So I don't want you to feel unwelcome. Bitcoin cash is money for the world. If I met you on the street I would shake your hand
2290d ·
Would take 32 times more spam and 32 times the cost to fill up BCH blocks and even then the net effect would be to bring BCH fees up to the same level as BTC. LOL
2290d ·
Imagine what it would start to cost to spam the network at 32mb block sizes. If fees started to go up to like .20 USD then 0.40 USD then $2.00. That would cost a lot already!
2291d · Capitalism
Blame socialism. This country should be 1st world by now. No excuses. I cannot fathom how people like you are able to make excuses for this monumental fuckup of governance.
2291d · Capitalism
-ED- LARGEST. OIL. RESERVES. IN. THE. WORLD. Nationalised to fund a massive welfare state. This is what happens when you have a currency crisis. Don't blame the world on a low oil price.
2291d ·
And it wont matter the order of this being implemented in any way.
2291d ·
Will UTXO consolidation be in place by then? or after? I guess it doesn't matter anyway because there will always be UTXO based miners and a few archival miners.
2291d ·
I am soooo freaking excited for this stress test.
2293d · #MountMemo 2018 ⛰️
I might just start using reddit chaintip on r/bitcoin to entice bitcoin core people to get out of their echo chamber and actually experience BCH ease of use and low fees.
2293d ·
Is the idea to have chat like this here?
2293d ·
How is this stress test being done? What is the idea?
2302d · memo
We will win this by winning the meme war. And great memes will fetch a pretty penny! Get BUIDLing!
Let's use this precious freedom of speech wisely and to the fullest extent!