A Crypto Flash Crash just happened a few hours ago! Check your exchangers or CoinMarketCap! Gosh! Thought this was already a Bull-Run period! Is this PURE MANIPULATION? 5K BTC exchanged to a lower price? WTF!
it is engraved here on the blockchain that I was able to share to everyone that it was the start of the Bull-Run. Though I have also asked many experts if it was just a Bull-trap, So far, so good and keep pumping!
Another $1-Billion added to the Market Cap of all Cryptocurrencies today.Will this be a great indicator that the price of the crypto including our beloved Bitcoin Cash will surge? Your thoughts guys, thanks!
[No] Funds added to Capitalization doesn't matter. A lot of factors should be considered for the surge!
0 votes
· 0 satoshis
[Yes] Long Term! We are now finally FREE from the Bear Era
Bitcoin Consensus today in New York, USA. Expect another major surge. Binance will already activate the withdrawals as well.
Though last year (2018) it made a dip to all cryptocurrencies after the Consensus. It will be different now since we already have a Bull-Market at this moment.
At the moment I send the tokens free of charge depending on activity on Memo. The more Memo you use the more MEMO tokens you get.
Oh I see! :) Anyway, thank you so much for the Memo Token you have sent me. Really grateful for that. I got used to really acquiring coins and HODL it. See you around :)
Then exchange it to BCH or XRP instead and then cash out in USD. Or just exchange because I know for sure we must buy-back once the price dipped a few days from now. Hope I'm wrong.
I was able to hear that it was used to propagate and transfer wireless electricity! Makes sense though I major in Semiconductors and I believe this was really possible. Nice share!
"Don´t just shuffle once, shuffle shuffle shuffle, it costs far less than a cent to shuffle your coins. Maybe I´m in the wrong time zone right now, but there is space for improvement here in the shuffle pools."
Sometimes the shuffling turns out luck is on our side! It worked for me rather than spending the whole day doing Tech Analysis (trying hard to be expert). Random BUY = good outcome!