This is it, hold onto your seats and hope everyone made a wise decision in the type of coin your holding. This is a make it or break it for cryptocurrency
Great Reddit comment: "The closer these people - devs - get to the code, the further they want to stray from Bitcoin Cash's aims. It's like some enchanted runic script which maddens all those who read it."
If one reads the Bitcoin defining white paper, and is honest with one’s self, it is clear that it is describing BCH, not BTC.
I've heard people praise Kraftwerk before but I've never listened to them myself until very recently. Absolutely blows my mind that this kind of music was made 40 years ago.
The notion that AI will just help automate away every menial job without creating new opportunities for employment that we cannot even imagine flies in the face of 300 years of automation hist.
With sound money all this automation will mean more wealth and easier lifestyle for everyone. With BCH as the money system someone else "making money" also makes you money.
Yesterday 150632-148590=2042 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈20%. Charts available at . considering whether should I stop this recording???
Was never contacted about this. But I'm testing it and they seem to all be showing? I'm only counting though, I can compare tx hashes later.
thanks, focus now is on scripts running smoothly. As they sharpen up we'll be able to get more accurate feedback on sending tests and seeing the results.