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saved 55d
I like hugs, but I think its kinda weird when people idk go in for a hug instead of a handshake.

Also fist bumps are lame
saved 55d
Race isn’t a real thing, sorry
saved 56d
Do these choices support the life I want?
saved 56d
Twetch mods are asleep post ANYTHING
saved 59d
It is your responsibility to be on the right side of history
saved 61d
No struggle : no growth

Actively seeking discomfort builds your mental “discomfort” muscle, eventually these actions become routine, comfortable, or even enjoyable

improvement anywhere adds improvement everywhere
saved 61d
First I forgave you, then I forgave god, then I forgave myself
saved 61d
Imagine where we’d be if we never gave up.
saved 61d
Many smart people were psyoped into the degeneracy, we need your help. Build where you can or teach those who are lost.
saved 62d
Why did you wake up today?
saved 65d
Health is a form of wealth
saved 66d
Who up having good they day rn
saved 67d
saved 67d
Uranium is natural
saved 67d
saved 67d
and when everyones super, no one will be.
saved 67d
Agree, I been taking notes though. I think I'm getting better
saved 67d
Is Twetch worth more as a public protocol that anyone could host or as its own thing?
saved 67d
Crypto nerds don’t know about rare wheel markets 🤫

Blitz 03’s 📈
BBS rs 301’s 📈
Advans, work, weds, ssr 📈
saved 67d
If Bitcoin Isn’t about to dump then why am I so excited?
saved 68d
Russia landed on the moon with the luna 9 mission in 1966

Anything earlier than that, no proof
saved 68d
saved 68d
Stay Vigilant
saved 69d
Google “forced perspective” then google
“Dolly zoom examples” to get an idea of how that would be possible

With the right lens and distance I can make any object look as big or as small as I’d like

We can also use the approximate sizes of the earth and moon in that image to figure out what lens length was used, and how far away that photo was taken.

I want to reiterate here that we spent hundreds of Billions on going the moon. If those billions were spent faking the moon landings, we definitely didn’t mess up the simple math.

There’s a lot of unanswered questions about the landings and the propaganda, but I think the math and image perspectives all check out. Gets a passing grade from me, I’ve tried to debunk it, but only became very convinced the more I looked.
saved 69d
So we’re going from a 6” pizza to a 24” pizza

The 6” has a radius of 3”
To find area we multiply pi * r² to get 28 square inches
For the 24”, pi * 12², or 452 square inches

The 24in has 4x the diameter but is 16x the area, this is where you’re getting the 13x number.
The math works about the same for the moon and earth
3.7x diameter, 13x area sounds right

But we’re not calculating area, only comparing their size ratios.

Since the Earth is 4x the size of the moon, and we’re the same distance, the earth would look 4x bigger from the moon as the moon does from Earth

The “blue marble” photo looks huge!
taken 18k miles from earth, so why doesn’t Earth look huge from the moon? Because the moon is 240k miles away, on the surface of the moon that photo would appear 13x smaller

Does that all make sense?