Samantha Postal

Joined Mar 07, 2020

Samantha Postal

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replied 1476d
Great news
1482d · Memo
It is nice that BSV has lifted a lot of the limits and you can write long posts. I am not sure what the current max OP_RETURN size is, but I'm guessing it is higher than 100k now. They also increased the mempool chain limit from 25 to 1,000 with plans to remove it entirely. It makes it easier to use and build on top of when you don't have to deal with these limits. Hopefully Memo SV will one day thrive again! This post is too large for any of the other Bitcoin forks :)
Stay safe and get some BSV
I'm in this crypto thing for almost one month still a newbie and I already lost 50% of my cryptos LoL I'm keeping for the future no worries
Have a great weekend
Playing some old school games, MegaMan now
Why some people hate BSV ?
set profile 1796d
Female, Cryptocurrency Newbie, Mother of an autistic child, Learning everyday
1911d · Capitalism
Oh and by the way, when you discuss something, and someone just comes and tells you to fuck off, no arguments back, and then banns you, that shows that this person has exact same type of fucked up mentality of those low level IQ people who don't know how to reason, and there are quite a few people like that in BSV as well. On average, I think, people in BSV are actually nor any better then people in BTC or BCH, the only difference is, they know BSV is better financial choice because it scales and that's about it, their personality is as fucked up as personality of many other people in crypto, they are still sociopaths.
I cant follow anyone, I need to get some BSV to do that?
followed 1796d
From to leraning a lot and now my favorite cryptocurrency is BSV
set name to Samantha Postal 1796d
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set profile 1796d
Samantha Postal