
Joined Jun 13, 2020

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Ketika emas digunakan menjadi mata uang atau Currency, yaitu Dinar, maka kegunaan emas itu tinggi.

Lalu, setahap demi setahap ada upaya mendegradasi kegunaan emas yaitu dibentuk suatu sistem keuangan yang berbasis emas, atau gold Backed Currency System. Ini artinya emas hanya disimpan di gudang. Ini era Bretton Woods sejak tahun 1944 dimana setiap dollar di backup oleh gold. Tapi, langkah ini sudah membuat emas kurang kegunaannya, karena hanya disimpan di gudang.

Tahun 1971, Amerika Serikat membatalkan Bretton Woods, yang berarti Amerika Serikat membatalkan skema bahwa dollar dibackup oleh gold. Saat itulah dollar dibuat mengambang tanpa backup yang ditetapkan, hanya berdasarkan Supply dan demand.

Agar USD kuat, maka Amerika Serikat paksakan USD agar dipakai seluruh dunia, termasuk menciptakan global Supply chain, agar utility dari USD kuat. Bahkan, Amerika Serikat memaksa Arab Saudi agar menggunakan USD untuk pricing atas minyak, sehingga minyak sebagai komoditas utama dunia. Ji...
sent 2,000 TGCS to
listed 2,000 TGCS for 40,000,000,000,000 satoshis (20,000,000,000 each) 1716d

listed 1,999 TGCS for 39,980,000,000,000 satoshis (20,000,000,000 each) CANCELLED 1716d

listed 1 TGCS for 20,000,000,000 satoshis CANCELLED 1717d

sent 1 TGCS to
Dear All!

This is the first time, I am writing here. Previously I don't believe in Bitcoin as it doesn't have intrinsic value. So, my argument is like Warrent Buffett and also Peter Schiff. So, I didn't take Opportunity of the great investment in this decade.

But, I then rethink again. I read more than 500 whitepapers. I found that XRP has value as it is very fast compared to BTC. Again, I don't like BTC.

But, I think XRP Is a tool to raise fund by Ripple. It should be exchangeable with share of Ripple. But, unfortunately, it can not be exchanged.

I then thinking to create something new. I found my token at Waves Platform which is Exchangeable with share of my start up Company, PT Token Global Cemerlang.

Total number of shares of PT Token Global Cemerlang is 2000 units. While my token, TGC TheGreatCoin is unit, so to make it fair, every 500.000.000 TGC can be exchanged with 1 share of PT Token Global Cemerlang.

Transferring share should be co...
sent 1 TGCS to
listed 1 TGCS for 20,000,000,000 satoshis CANCELLED 1717d

created 2,000 TGCS tokens 1717d