
Joined Apr 19, 2018

All things change in a dynamic environment. 💿

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1783d · simulacrum
According to the Daily Telegraph, Cat's mum has been working two jobs to help fund their lifestyle, which includes trip to Indonesia, Italy, France, New Zealand, the UK, Nepal and Denmark.
1783d · simulacrum
Instagram Couple Slammed For Asking For $16,000 To Help Them Travel To Africa www.ladbible.com/community/viral-instagram-couple-ask-for-16000-to-help-them-travel-to-africa-20190617
1783d · CryptoQuotes
the future of finance is peer-to-peer. It’s going to be alternative currencies like bitcoin and it’s not actually going to be a banking system as we had before 2008.” – Patrick Young
1783d · CryptoQuotes
“The governments of the world have spent hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars bailing out a decaying, dickensian, outmoded system called banking, when the solution to
1783d · Censorship
1783d · Censorship
Youtube has restricted one of the videos [u/DrJester] mirrored. It is the interview that Tommy Robinson did with Brittany that got her banned from the U.K.
1783d · Censorship
1783d · Censorship
The Balled Of Black Pigeon vs WITLESS FANATICS
1783d · MediaEthics
NYT Covers Up CIA Skripal Lie With Even Worse CIA Skripal Lie https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-09/nyt-covers-cia-skripal-lie-even-worse-cia-skripal-lie
1783d · Anime
Redline & Madhouse - The Straw That Was Worth the Camel's Back - Beyond Ghibli
replied 1783d
wonder why someone here would report such a thing...
1783d · memo
I dont have an alt. got any proof. or just more insults, dix?
replied 1783d
post a link to a memo post where that user 'impersonated' the official FreeRoss team.
replied 1783d
just have to wonder how they heard about it in the first place... we're such a tiny, out of the way community.
replied 1783d
might look back on it & be surprised, just like the 10,000 BTC pizza. "you spent how much to shitpost?!"
1783d · Bitcoin SV
why is _unwriter on BSV?
replied 1783d
oddly enough lr supports FreeRoss https://memo.cash/topic/%23FreeRoss idk but what Ive learned on memo is that I agree with with just about everyone on at least one topic🤷‍♀️
1783d · Memo
link to a post by Free Ross Ulbricht where he 'impersonates' Ross's family or claims to be part of the official FreeRoss team.
1783d · Memo
lr you dont care that they're 'impersonating FreeRoss'. You just dont like their other political positions and will use any angle to try to censor them.
replied 1783d
& lr is only using this fact to instigate censorship/bans/blocks because of this accounts other political positions.
replied 1783d
so they're clearly not the same person. He's not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. everyone who supports freeing Ross needs the blessing of his family?
replied 1783d
Appeal to authority. I don’t care who said it I can think for myself. I dont need identity politics to dictate my positions.
replied 1783d
yeah... you haven't answered my question. your data show apprehensions are down. apprehension != people crossing.
replied 1783d
🙄oh no! someone wants Ross free but they said some thing I dont like. bring in the censorship! You dont really support free speech lr so why are you on the most free speech site?
replied 1784d
terrible language young man! but thanks for finally posting data. wonder if apprehensions tracks attempts to enter the US?