
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Get the memo!

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Q: If enforcing the 1sat/byte minfee is generally now to protect against open doublespends, why don't miners just make a rule to delay 0-fee txs by at least N blocks (N >= 1) as a rule, either informal or coded up?
Web trackers are the ticks of the digital savanna. #dailymemo
I heard there was a soft-fork

Is there a PR for renaming opcode ANYONECANSPEND with NOTANYONECANSTEAL ?


replied 1833d
Thanks. That's very dissimilar to the situations I had (both were freezing on a block).

Once I was able to recover by removing peers.json and restarting.
replied 1833d
Is there a more detailed description of the fault you experienced somewhere?

Tinkering with similar, have found both recoverable and non-recoverable situations.
replied 1834d
He goes on to say "BSV might have to consider changing the POW algorithm, in order to reboot mining."

If you can't win at SHA256 by attacking BCH in a hash war... #DailyMemo
replied 1834d
Remember, BCH was already "ready for trade" when BSV forked.

All that talk of stability, and now their supporters claim they aren't even ready for commerce anymore.

It gets better...
replied 1834d
replied 1834d
Best news I've heard all day - BU supporter overheard saying:

"BSV mining is fully centralized. the difference is that BSV is not pretending to be ready for trade"

You hear that? BSV is not ready for trade.

stacking sats sometimes pops locks 😂 #dailymemo

replied 1844d
You like rhetorical questions so much you seem to have internalized them as a way of thinking.

Don't let me stop you.
replied 1844d
Still quite a bit of time for people to spot errors they made.
Good news: Ken Shishido is allowed to change his vote in the ongoing BU election, so every BU member is too:
Lovin' these honest ads by the "Australien" government

replied 1847d
To the real Satoshi, whether he/she/they may be dead, in prison, under gagging orders, chilling and watching the drama or panicking while watching the drama (if they are spooks): Thanks for bringing us Bitcoin. #BCH
replied 1850d
Do you know if customers have to use the Elipay app to pay in crypto at those stores, or do the merchants accept crypto from any regular wallet?
replied 1851d

Were those Bitcoin Belle mails related to the extortion attempts that CSW claimed happened to cause him to go public?

Notice: Reddit or its CDN getting pretty aggressive about blocking some TOR nodes.

#censorship #dailymemo
replied 1858d
Can't prove a negative.

It's up to CSW to prove that he's Satoshi.
One of the more irksome allegations is that "BCH caused the bear market!!!"
When it's also used in a PR campaign...
replied 1860d
Yes sir, you have won the prize. That's exactly the post I was looking for - thanks so much!