
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Get the memo!

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replied 2173d
replied 2173d
Oh, let me have a look. I'm pretty sure I didn't republish it - but I need to have a look since I'm sure I have it backed up, so I could republish it somewhere.
replied 2173d
replied 2173d
That thread contains a screenshot by u/jessquit : which captures the original banning threat.
replied 2173d
The Reddit post in which some of the banned (including myself) accept his apology
replied 2173d
replied 2173d
replied 2173d
Meanwhile, some more 'fallout' Reddit posts during this debacle.
replied 2173d
At this point I should state that Ryan later published an apology on the MoneyButton site, so it's water under my bridge.
I'm sure I'll find that apology blog post somewhere soon.
replied 2173d
replied 2173d
Note: u/ryanxcharles has [deleted] a ton of comments in at least one the thread. I don't know of the best way to get that history back - maybe there is some site that can do it.
replied 2173d
I'm going to drop some related Reddit links here to this insane episode in the Bitcoin Cash / Bitcoin SV drama history.
replied 2173d
He wrote a comment in a thread on Reddit where he openly threatened to ban "ABC cult members".
I decided to test that by writing a Yours post titled "Censorship is never OK".
Banned :)
replied 2173d
April fools.
Proof that we are far away from #StrongAI is that nations still send incompetent nitwits to negotiate on their behalf.
I don't believe in corporate welfare.
replied 2173d
This guy mines.
replied 2177d
Dang, I accidentally linked to the reply. Here is the correct link to Majamalu's post:
This post by Majamalu on frivolous vs indispensible forking is something I agree with 100% . Highly recommend to read it.
replied 2177d
created poll 2177d
Does hearing that the world is round for the 1000th time, trigger you?
no 1 votes · 0 satoshis
yes 0 votes · 0 satoshis


created poll 2179d
Do you like your noodles
wet 2 votes · 0 satoshis
spicy 3 votes · 546 satoshis
dry 0 votes · 0 satoshis


Memo needs a mascot. How about "Captain Memo"?
(use your own imagination - I'm not good at art)