@crypto_flat_earther I am one for conspiracies, but the earth is not flat
@deebee your right. we must adapt by enabling more killing
There is not enough killing in this world
Either we reduce our birth rate through humane ways, or we must kill more
We have the privilege to war over oil. Future wars will start over water
We will subject future generations to famine, disease, or war.
Either we control our population, or we will succomb to natural forces
Overpopulation is the disease, climate change is the symptom
There is no debate. Fossil fuel industry and War Profiteering will kill us
The irreparable damage to our climate is caused by human activity
The answer, there is no incentive to do so
I have asked this question many times, why no action on Climate Change?
If privacy is a concern, use a VPN, Proxy, XMR -> Shapeshift -> BCH
@truth Immutability brings censorship resistance
@Truth your right, but the traceability allows for immutability
@SubjectiveReality Blockchain governance is a known issue. History Repeats
could you imagine being 70 about to retire, and the economy collapses?
the reality is that many people will suffer, and die as a result
it seems like a good thing for our investment
crytpo will look like the golden city upon the hill
hyper inflation will wreck the economy
I am really scared for the future
@SubjectiveReality the governance model is the only thing that I question
waiting to be discovered by some higher intelligence
it is a indisputable record of the human experience, hurdling through space