my fingers type "islam is for apes"
freeeeeedom to shitpost is true freedom
Prophet Muhammad said ‘Most of your sins are because of your tongues’
my fingers type "islam is for apes"
Soon, I will be able to shitpost about animu through memo!
yes my brother, shitpost away
need more characters in reply, hope network upgrade fixes
is this a scam?
you guys need to get TF over BTC, acting like a jealous ex-wife
one of the best shitposting accounts
Can we just agree to disagree?
im just here for the shitposting
I'm not replying to your post...
heh you just did
Religion teached our world to love.
Core trolls are now getting desperate.
not a core troll, just a regular troll
lets keep the shitposting going, this is fun
the shitposting is strong with the religious types
religion never brings peace, ideas kill
religion is used to control you
I'm sorry. I hope we can come to peace.
religion never brings peace, ideas kill
Death is not worth differing opinions.
Death will come to you, jesus or not
Please feel free to learn about Jesus.
I have learned enough about all beliefs
I recommend you to read the Bible.
book of lies used to keep you a slave
Russia developing a propaganda machine?
shitposting only competition
"Jesus" "died" "for" "our" "sins"
yessss of course he did
Jesus was hated and crucified for spreading his messages and miracles.
yesssss keep shitposting
i gotta turn up the shitposting
Memo the ultimate Troll Fence
cant stop me shitposting
mmm yeah baby