The PetroDollar™ will be the death of mankind
yess army of shitposters
@shinyleaf I have made a few good shitposts
Noone can stop you from searching through public data
On other platforms, hashtags can be suppressed and accounts suspended
Why is memo useful? noone can stop you parsing the blockchain
Capitalism works perfectly. Its a Death Machine and that baby hums
shift to RE causes massive economic upset, OIL is propping up US Dollar
this is the unfortunate reality. we cannot change to RE because petrodollar
we are weighing the jobs of those in FF industry, with every airbreather
if RE becomes cheaper then FF, capitalism kills those jobs anyway
we must weigh the respective death tolls and see what will be larger
@warrenbluffit memo is censorship free, allowing for pure freedom of speec
How could the creation of jobs possibly be weighed against human suffering?
What if I told you that RE creates jobs?
so you are weighing clean air/water/food against jobs?
if that is true, wouldnt the move towards renewable energies be favorable?
yes, clean air, water and food. Safe plastics and less chemical pollution
if enough data is gathered, there is no dispute. only those who do not look
Verify independently that there is a warming trend over the past 20 years
it is possible to gather multiple sources of temperature data, process it
there are at home projects that you can do to confirm or deny your findings
have you lived long enough to make your own observations?
Completely understand gun control, why climate change?