Stress test tomorrow! If you're watching on txstreet, be sure to enable "Auto Scroll BCH". Also I'd recommend lowering the frame rate when the flood of txs come through.
Feature Request: Can we have locked topics, where only the OP can post, and others can then only reply to threads, basically giving users their own page
Memo update released: - Dust consolidation for all actions - Dashboard is now a feed of all events - Performance improvements - Updated profiles - Color indicator for relative user rating - New account page
Can we have some clear indication on posts when we follow someone? Like different colour, italic or something. I feel it's too easy to scam people twitter-style without indication.
Matter is a decentralized blogging that is powered by Bitcoin Cash. I have tested just now ,it enable your to write over 5000 bytes per blog,amazing! I hope memo can add protocol asap.
@memo what is your take on The do DM. Have you planned anything?
We've been talking about the need for private messaging on Memo. Separately - it's a tricky thing to put messages on a public blockchain and claim it's forever private.
Memo update released: - Ability to follow topics and indicator for unread topic messages - Links to replies now go to full thread instead of just parent - Topic posts in feed now have a button to go to topic
@memo how do we prevent child porn from getting posted? I’m concerned if someone tries to do this
neither the blockchain nor memo are capable of hosting images. So really the question would be 'how to stop CP from being posted to imgur/giphy which is obviously on the site owner.
Once we're able to send private messages onchain, encrypted from A to B, I'll make a point to insist on only speaking to my friends on the BCH chain.
Through friends and family we're able to gain more traction.
devils advocate -- why do you need the blockchain for that?
I want to be able to chain together an arbitrarily large amount of TXs such that I can upload any size file to the blockchain, at my expense of course.I dont care how impractical or stupid