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saved 191d
I don't have an authoritative answer for that, but highly recommend contacting Craig or the BA for the answer.

My plan is to simply use the BSV that's being given to me until it wrongs me. Then I guess I'll make decisions from there. But I dont' too much that's "wrong", and when I do, bitcoin at scale has rather excellent privacy compared to the current fiat system, by many orders of magnitude (via my own research).

So in short, right now I don't care who decides. Bitcoin has 99 things I wanna see, and 1 thing I might worry about like protocol changes.
At LEAST Craig states publicly that he won't change the protocol, and "in stone". That's more than anyone else in fiat or crypto is offering. So on the bright side, look at you! You have quotes and promises you can throw right in the face of the issuer / issuing-body!
saved 191d
Craig doesn't like it; I don't like it; no one should like it. zeroSat is cancer to price. Do you care about the price of BSV?

Craig didn't change it tho; he left it. He was true to "stone".

A commodity isn't supposed to change; if it does, lots of problems are caused. Think about it like rail-guage: it might make sense to make trains wider, but then every shipper would need to rebuy new equipment and tunnels redug, bridges redone, a whole capital mess.
But if the government says train companies in England are responsible for making sure nuclear waste isn't carried on trains, then what would you expect to happen? Train companies just break the UK law and get their businesses frozen?

So law enforcement doesn't care about bitcoin; it just acts. So do you want to use bitcoin, or are you looking for revolution? Because if you're looking for revolution, there's a massive host of choices who all want the same. They will most defini...
saved 191d
Fuck a Duck!
It looks like the Shiba Inu is gonna pepe over the Doggiecoyne Soon™️…

Wat it mean?

I'm old enough to remember when CDOs weren't cool enough, and so banksters created CDO²s ("CDO-squareds").

saved 191d
Understood, and you are correct on the sampler relationship. We just had t gotten to that point ENTIRELY as the app was best created for this who have BSV and HandCash already.

But we DO give our Word Bounty contestants the ability to win the bounties without needing BSV or HandCash— this EARNING their first bitcoin (for muggles). But next we wanted to be able to pay the muggle winner to our own wallet associated with their email.

But your suggestion is a proper add-on to that similar allowance for noobs. i spell it newbs.

Everything like this is important but had to be weighted vs other things. We made what we could make in the time and money allotted so far.

There are MANY improvements to make— and we’ll get there slowly but surely.

I really thank you again for your feedback. I will i miss it to rerank what we do next.
saved 191d
“My Echo Chamber”
by John Pitts

My echo chamber is TIGHT!
Worked hard on it.
Test: “echo”
ECHO ECHo ECho Echo echo
Test Sat.
So comfortable & warm,
and so joyous inside,
with friends,
I’ve even named it:
I call it



Thinking about building around
my echo chamber,
a righteous picturesque church.
Whaddya think?
saved 191d
Quick solution: save this…

Basically, just follow our URL with /seek/wordUwannapromote

We tried to actually have a newly smithed word go directly to Twetch, in like June 2021 and we couldn't get the Twetch API to post the picture and the script 🤷🏻‍♂️. Twetch didn't seem too interested in integration, so we shitcanned it. But we should have implemented Twitter sharing, for sure. Very high on the list of things to do, thanks for the input.

"Run Silent Run Deep" is probably the most fun one, and "Red October" by Clancy is really good. Both probably got me into subs, but really it was just the community I preferred (the people). Bunch of eggheads but not in the computer-sense of the word.

I've found pain is always relative, and I"m not in any upper class— just lived longer.

I feel your pain, this court loss is a real donkey punch to everything:
marketing products
capital ...
saved 192d
Hey man, enjoy your quest. I served my time in these streets.

I'm Bender, you're the wrestler:

I've been fighting with knives since before you watched your first YT video on Flat Earth and paid ze influencer hiz monee. In fact I owned a fuckton of Google stock before they even acquired YouTube and couldn't figure out how to monetize it. I got there to learn lots of things about math physics and geography, but not this.

I have nothing to gain from this; I already teach kids who hopefully don't daydream and ignore me when I show them how the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is the TRUE conspiracy.

Never met a Freemason, but something for the bucket list for sure.

Now tell me how to trolltoll you properly for being i², and I'll even pay you a dime. I'll untoll you when you come back and admit the Earth is a spheroid.

You can also ping Len Mazur on Tw@ttr, he got one of the l...
saved 192d
Yes, thank you for the constructive criticism. We are on Handcash because it was the biggest wallet at the time we had to dump Moneybutton which was having major issues which destroyed much of our momentum in 2022. Looking back we'd have liked to just develop our own wallet from scratch, and that's now the long term plan. But for now, due to coding = expensive, we're on HC.

If you know anyone willing to volunteer for maybe a little equity and some cash (USD), who is javascript/node/React, I might be in the market for someone to tie up some loose ends.

I don't believe anything peddled at me, I've travelled the world underneath the ocean, done the navigating myself using celestial, modern GPS, and about a half dozen other methods. I've also got experience with top secret government information and have some first hand knowledge about how what some call "scyops" work.

This is in addition to having a Physics degree, and a lifelong student of ho...
saved 192d
I should add, since you're using the hell out of Twetch, I think you're an outstanding member of the real bitcoin (BSV) ecosystem. It's more than I can say for a lot of people who claim to be "BSVers" and rooting for number go up while never allowing themselves to talk about price. Hell, I'll even say the same for Kevin the Flat Earther. If I can figure out trolltoll again, he'll have to pay me to penetrate my bubble, but at least he's using a BSV app, which is the #1 way to make Number Go Up (altho SLictionary is still the best way, but people don't know the inner-workings of it yet or they'd all be buying the snot out of words).
saved 192d
Much of what you're saying I agree with. I never stopped talking about price, but at the same time talking about it isn't just a BSV culture problem, it's an overall problem legally.

I think price is very important to BSV and it's capital flows, and product marketing. You don't hear me talk about it much, but only because I don't believe talking about it to the masses does any good. I've been behind the scenes proposing real=world solutions to allow BSV to trade fairly. My main solution was temporarily accepted, and outlined for execution, and then it was shelved. Actions can fail just like yapping can.

I am biased against everything that I'm not, until I'm not. While I can understand making fun of Boomers Millenials and Xers, it's kind've an assinine and hopefully mostly for-humor pursuit. When it gets overly nasty, or overly dumb like calling a Gen Xer a Boomer which makes no sense (altho I did define "Boomer" in the...
saved 192d
I didn't always think this direction on flat earthers, as I originally at least gave them credit for thinking about a topic rather than just accepting authority's dictation. But then I got closer to them, and realized that each and every one of them wasn't interested in actual debate or information, they simply believed what they believed bc it was part of their politics. In other words, they were just switching allegiances to a new God.

That's what I find interesting about all this "new leadership" stuff in bitcoin (BSV). They don't like Enterprise & Government leadership, but then will just glomb onto "Degenry is God" leadership, which is the other extreme. And I think it's ok to compare extremes and determine a better one, despite both being wrong.

"Enterprise and Govie" is probably just a wrong strategy that hasn't/won't go very far. But at the very least, it keeps people honest and it's a pursuit that ha...
saved 192d
Actually on zero-sat, he did NOT change the protocol, even tho it made more sense to change it. He stuck with zero-sat allowance, but just called it stupid if people over-rely on it. Personally I think zero-sat is a mistake, but it's now upto miners to decide whether to accept them. I think they are disastrous and anyone who uses them is taking a shit in their own commons.

You'd need to be more specific on which government is doing what. I know there's things like diplomatic immunity, but I believe even that only goes so far. If American Senators can insider-trade but the rest of the world cannot, then that's certainly a problem. But the Constitution may not have handled that one 🤷🏻‍♂️.

I'm with you on the logic, but I don't think the Bitcoin Association is what many people think it is. It's main job is to protect the protocol from frivolous change, and promote bitcoin usage. Every commodity has something similar, and ...
saved 192d
This is why the US Constitution was written. Rulers must abide by what the founders wrote, unless an overwhelming reason to change the Constitution. Now, if rulers aren't abiding by the Constitution, then citizens need to put them to task or revolt or other means. It's happened before, and it will happen again. Life is always a decision, and governments are far from perfect.
saved 192d
The /trolltoll set $0.02 @4879 of Degenville for too much Youtube and not enough Physics, life experience, flying, travelling across oceans, paying for a space flight, or the ability to discern truth from popular sensationalism. Keep sending that ad money to your Google / Youtube data overseers and beer guzzling yellow journalists, guy!
saved 192d
Awesome, 3 birds one troll toll. I love getting to use troll toll, it's so rare, thank you!

1. I take it you must be a flat earther? A great business model is apparently to fly flat earthers over Antarctica, and charge double the normal rate to remove some air from underused brains.

2. https://www.slictionary.com/CreateWord/Globetard/@/@/
You can finance your replies by maybe making some money defining Globetard, I love it. Even horses asses deserve their own lingo in my dictionary.

3. Anyone uses the word "lizard" is almost an automatic block. I've not thought of a reason to not block someone using this term. It reaks of communism. But just so we're clear, if I'm a fake lizard, does that mean I'm not an actual lizard?

go for it too: https://www.slictionary.com/CreateWord/lizard/@/@/
saved 192d
I do NOT have you muted; which means until now I must have valued your comments.

I agree on rules not rulers, but unfortunately most people love power more than they love beauty, so a ruler must establish FIRMLY that the rules don't change. And for that, bitcoin indeed HAS a ruler, who must keep the rules unchanged and make decisions to that effect. Once bitcoin gets some valuable things built on it, then the NEW ruler will be not yanking the foundations from beneath the towers. Rationality SHOULD prevail, but in cases it appears it won't, a constitutional monarchy exists to hopefully preserve the integrity of the rules. We've ALREADY seen problems with this in the past, so by pragmitism and experiement, not theory or dogma, we've come to realize that bitcoin needs leadership for at least SOME period of time before it is secure. This shouldn't be a surprise, as bitcoin was co-opted a couple times by those who wanted to change it (SEGWIT, anonymity, 2nd la...
saved 193d
Craig CrAiG CRAIG!!!!
by John Pitts

I will be talking about Craig Wright's Satoshiness all the fuck I want.

In fact, if you don't like this, unfollow ALL my accounts. Not only will I talk about Craig Wright as Satoshi Nakamoto all the fuck I want, but I resolve to DOUBLE my efforts. So if you thought I talked about Craig and his Satoshiness too much in the past, it's about to get worse.

Here's some more reasons to unfollow me before I block you anyway, numbered below.
FYI before I start:
I've been officially outed as blocking:
my friends who think it's 100% chance Craig is a forger and felonious criminal
writers of early (shitty) bitcoin software on which my first and only bitcoin application was/is based.
CTO's of companies which hold the most bitcoin patents in the world.
These were among my BEST blockwork, and there will be more coming.

But here's some criteria:

1. If you haven't figured out CSW is Satoshi by now, you...
saved 197d
One thing criminals generally don't do, is spend a decent amount of their time outing other criminals:

https://craigwright.net/blog/law-regulation/binance-the-untrusted-intermediary/ (not exactly your average criminal's writing fare)

Mellor's Mistake is confusing a person of rare morality with the opposite.
It's a very ironic world we live in.
saved 201d
btc ETF?

saved 205d
saved 207d
One Man One Vision. One Signature?

…and I think OneSignature IS Satoshi, so there!

Que the music:

The supposition is that Satoshi is afraid to EVER give out his ID, but this would prevent Satoshi from ever selling his coin holdings for fiat, which is absurd.

Also the supposition is that Mt Gox and Bitstamp had good KYC— 🤣-able.

Lastly, while I agree Silk Road is probably not a proper Satoshi destination for coins, Mt Gox is an exchange, so if there's even one address in between Mt Gox and Silk Road, that's enough such that Satoshi is in the clear. Plus it doesn't say how much went into Silk Road. The amount could be experimental, to figure out how Silk Road works, as well as trace some addresses associated with that exchange for future tracing.

We simply don't know, but we DO know that there wasn't many others mining in January 201...
saved 207d
The year for what?

Tulip Trust assets have been tied-up with Kleiman trial since Jan 2020 release from Trust lockup.

1. That case's appeal was finally denied in just November.

2. He's mentioned the need for a court-order to release those coins. There's no further information on that, so could be circumstances beyond anyone's control. It's not cleear by "court" he means Bloom/Rheinhardt or court cases associated with getting btc to allow possession dispute resolution (which follow this joint trial, such as 1Feex/pineapple lawsuit).

3. We don't know very much about Trust structure, it's private family matter.

All of this is personal information, regarding his own matters. So we're not going to find out, but can only guess.

He's given people the answers and endpoints, which is more than he owes anyone. Whether people choose to believe him or not, is a matter out of his control. From my experience, no one gives...
saved 208d

Jeeze, thought we'd lost CumRocket forever but here it is LEADING the MEMECOINERY INDUSTRY.

When I say "industry" I mean industry, it's approaching a $100 BILLION dollar industry. (if you believe the nonsensical "faith-based money" themes associated with cryptocurrencies).

Here, you can bonk all night long to this picture of the state of crypto…
It's ranked by both the dumbest meme and by performance, which apparently are correlated. If you can think of something stupider than CumRocket, you could make $100 million in short order 🤷🏻‍♂️. There's certainly no lack of peeps who think this way, so where's the creativity? CumRocket is old and used (pun intended).
saved 210d
Order of Content in the Peopleverse:

Truth > Life Experience > Long Form TV Shows > Books > Pods & Blogs > Memes > Emojis > Quip-Scripts (tweets) > Silence of Suppression
saved 210d