Hmm 🤔❓... Lets say there are identical nodes A & B mining at the same difficulty. A is hashing a block of size 0.1MB, and B is hashing a block of size 8MB. Will node's A hash-rate be noticeably higher than B's?
No, they're hashing a hash/header of the block, so the size of the block is largely immaterial to the speed of the hashing.
Colored coins are nice and all but they aren't very complex solutions.
It would be nice if BCH had a comprehensive colored coins proposal for Stocks Issuance that could do thinks like splits, voting, new issuance/destruction and dividends out of the box.
If one reads the Bitcoin defining white paper, and is honest with one’s self, it is clear that it is describing BCH, not BTC. site has been under a DDoS login attack since about an hour ago. We've been tightening up firewall rules to mitigate. Sorry for any site slowness that has occurred.
Yesterday 150632-148590=2042 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈20%. Charts available at . considering whether should I stop this recording???
Yesterday 150632-148590=2042 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈20%. Charts available at . considering whether should I stop this recording???
Was never contacted about this. But I'm testing it and they seem to all be showing? I'm only counting though, I can compare tx hashes later.
thanks, focus now is on scripts running smoothly. As they sharpen up we'll be able to get more accurate feedback on sending tests and seeing the results.
Memo is only 3 months old.
Huge progress has been made,
Great work team @memo
THANK YOU for the constant upgrades,
here is shaping up to be a great platform.
Twitter is suffering,
it has a use-by date.