
Joined Jul 02, 2018

Toxic Bitcoin maximalist and professional BCH-fudder.

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The infrastructure building on Lightning is something humanity has never seen before. Onchain is dead as its meager 32 MB leads nowhere (except forcing developers to buy 20 TB disks for their hobby project).
I feel BSV community is ramping up. They are most visible and vocal on social media. Several recent BSV vs BTC Youtube debates. BSV has MetaNet, apps, storage etc. BSV might inevitable flip BCH.
BCH + BSV now < 4% of a BTC !!
All this time, Roger Ver and friends have been limiting the Bitcoin Cash block size to 2MB just like the Bitcoin with Segwit. You can't make still stuff up...
replied 2033d
BTC want to be store of value, medium of exchange and finally unit of account/global money. BCH is a clone that tries to hijack the brand.
replied 2033d
Protecting the security and decentralisation of the Bitcoin network hardening it as a SoV in preparation for the move to becoming a MoE. Roger is just a non-technical and emotional.
replied 2033d
Great interview. Congrats to Max Keiser understanding the value proposition of Bitcoin so early!
BAB 2.8% and dropping... MoE cannot compete with digital gold/global hedge SoV
A enthusiastic guy wrote on /r/btc "I just got my first full BCH coin"... And the BCH crowd responded with "Now go sell it, don't hold!". Amazing....
set name to BitcoinRevolution 2053d
$BSV still forked into 2 distinct coins. $BSV 0.1 chain (legacy) has had only one block, but still has majority of transactions (significant drop though). $BSV 0.2 is being mined but with minority of transactions.
replied 2053d
It's here already though. Building this new infrastructure will take some time including wallets and exchange support, merchant support. Companies like BitPay aren't really helping...
Bitcoin Cash is the flat earth movement of crypto. Bitcoin SV is the flat earth movement INSIDE the flat earth movement that believe the flat earth has been compromised.
replied 2062d
BCH promises unlimited cheap blockchain storage so.... let's upload and store entire images videos and movies on-chain.
set profile pic 2062d
set profile 2062d
Toxic Bitcoin maximalist and professional BCH-fudder.
BCH below <3% of a BTC.. <2% next...
A Bitcoin ABC coin was worth 10% of a real bitcoin a year ago, 5% a month ago and currently just 4.2%. That is called an opportunity cost.
replied 2094d
That meeting decided on Segwit2 hardfork which didn't happen
"Bitcoin is the first scarce digital object the world has ever seen, it is scarce like silver & gold, and can be sent over the internet, radio, satellite etc." - @100trillionUSD