
Joined Jul 16, 2018

Hi, I'm Marcus.

My age is just bigger than tiny.

I like to climb things, especially daddy

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Christoph Bergmann
About CSW: The BCH community does good to reject his lies, attacks and unsolved promises. But it does extremely bad rejecting idea b/c they had contact with CSW's mouth. That's dumb.
Look at all the twats waiting forever on the other side of the street! LMAO
set name to Marcus 2320d
A govt that wants to do bad things to its citizens will do them by controlling the flow of information in order to make the bad things look like good things.
(Just like /r/Bitcoin)
When Mummy and Daddy raise their voices

My kids top response is: "Stop @ing each other, stop @ing each other!!!"
Marcus: Daddy, I don't want to you to read about Blockchian? That's boring.
Babies just want to have fun and to talk about having fun.... and chocolate.
Dad: Ok what about funny pictures
Marcus: No, just chocolate
Dad: How old are you?
Marcus: I'm just Marcus.
Dad: But how old are you?
Marcus: I'm bigger than tiny.
Dad: Are you 3?
Marcus: No, I'm just Marcus

Conclusion - we live in the age of Marcus!!!
followed 2367d
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followed 2367d
My son is still 3 but starting talking at 7 months so he speaks very well.

He thinks I am his secretary, his chauffeur and his ladder
Hi, I'm new

I like peanut butter and chocolate.

My picture is tiny me, now I'm bigger than tiny

I like easy internet stuff

is memo good for me?
set profile 2367d
Hi, I'm Marcus.

My age is just bigger than tiny.

I like to climb things, especially daddy
set profile pic 2367d
set name to 2367d