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saved 207d
saved 225d
Since the Devil is an angel of light, he can bend light. In other words, he can make things appear differently than they are. Many exorcists have reported on the ways in which they have made the possess appear larger than they are, or with sharp teeth, etc. The Devil is the father of lies and the lord of illusion.

One of the senses used to tempt Adam and Eve was their sight: "And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold…." (Gn. 3:6). Primarily, they were tempted through their sight. Then their desire for knowledge. The serpent presents this as an opportunity to become like God, knowing good from evil. In other words, they were tempted to be God on their own terms. This is also the root of Gnosticism. Many gnostics will tell us that Lucifer was revealing what God has concealed from us. The basic thrust of gnosticism is making ourselves out to be gods rather than seeking the One, True God.

See how much temptation is in a...
saved 226d
saved 226d
God did not create Satan. The Hebrew translation of "ha satan" is "accuser" or "one who opposes." So, Satan is not technically a proper name, although that is often how people refer to the Devil.

Devil comes from the Greek word "diaballein," which means "to throw across." A more appropriate translation would be to throw apart. The Devil seeks to tear people apart, often by manipulating their emotions.

God did not create opposition. God did, however, give his creatures freedom. That freedom includes the possibility of serving God or denying God.

God created Lucifer, who was the highest of all the angels. The name means "bearer of light." As an angel, Lucifer also had freewill. Rather than freely choosing to serve God, Lucifer denied God and was therefore cast out of heaven. It was then that Lucifer became "ha satan" or "one who opposes" God, also known as the Devil.
saved 226d
Emotions are not from Satan, but Satan can manipulate our emotions.
saved 226d
True, we are not our feelings or emotions, but we are embodied spirits. The definition of man is a creature composed of body and soul. They are infused. We cannot separate our spirit from our flesh any more than our emotions from our heart. It is a package deal. What we can do, however, is discipline ourselves to overcome our feelings and emotions with reason. God did not give us a mind so we would let our passions run wild. We are to use our mind to master the flesh and all its emotions, so as not to allow the flesh to rule over us. As St. Paul says, "For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting" (Gal. 6:8).
saved 236d
The firmament is the atmosphere, which technically does separate the waters above from the waters below (as it says in Genesis). But, what if the waters above are the Aether? And what if the heilocentric model of the cosmos is patently wrong?

I posit we are on a planetoid earth, but everything else is moving around us!

Will pray for you.
saved 236d
I have encountered many faithful people who, while falling for the mainstream narrative continue to take these injections. They truly believe they are doing the right thing. Even if the shots cause them pain. They are still wearing it like a badge of honor, which is sad. I wouldn't go so far as to say they have no soul because they are alive. No soul = no life. Body can't live without a spirit. But, they are definitely diminishing themselves physically and mentally. Toxins and heavy metals in the blood, not to mention mRNA doesn't look good for many. This will lead to a very poor quality of life in the short term, as well as a shortened lifespan.

Here's the kicker…at the level of the soul, I think they've chosen this fate on purpose. It is their way of checking out of this world. The soul has determined it's done being here and is ready to move on. So, this just happens to be one way in which to play that out. Just some food for thought.

And truthfully,...
saved 236d
If that is true, it is really only working on the level of legalese, imho. I can't see how something physical can alter something spiritual. In Catholic theology, if one has sold one's soul to the Devil, they need only repent (i.e., go to confession) and their soul is no longer in jeopardy.

Even in the case of an unwitting participant in the vaxxx, they aren't fully culpable because they did not know it was some form of manipulation that will make them sub-human on paper.

The whole theory is a bit wonky to me, tbh. But, I don't doubt there is validity in the minds of those who are trying to own people by patenting their cDNA. That's pharmakeia if I ever heard of it!
saved 237d
Fact-checkers would deny this, but from a simple web search…

From definitions.net:
Divoc is a term derived from the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk….'

According to Wikipedia:

In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (/ˈdɪbək/; Yiddish: דיבוק, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq meaning 'adhere' or 'cling') is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being exorcised.

Etymology: Dybbuk, comes from the Hebrew word evil דִּיבּוּק‎ dibbūq which means 'the act of sticking' and is a nominal form derived from the verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq 'to adhere' or 'cling'.

There has been plenty of evidence that covid does in fact cling to people, possibly even to their very DNA, particularly via the vaxxx. Who knows, perhaps there is something to it, but the injections are not putting evil spirits into people. That's just to scare people. The rea...
saved 239d
saved 239d
By separating yourself from the registered organization ("entity") that was created via your birth certificate. A birth certificate used to be a way to make a public record that a baby was born, now it is a way to traffick babies under the jurisdiction of the STATE corporation masquerading as your government. There is a formal process of undoing what was perpetrated against you involving a similar administrative process as banks use for foreclosures.

What it all comes down to is a willingness to learn how to self-govern and make the necessary changes in lifestyle to walk the path of self-governance. In the Apocalypse, a voice from heaven says, "Go out from her, my people…" (Rev. 18:4a). God does not want his people to be slaves. It is the whole story of the Exodus, it is the story of Christ freeing the captives, and it is our story, having been ensnared by corporate greed. So, let us go out from her (Babylon), and enter true freedom as a child of God.
saved 240d
"Human" is one of those English words that has multiple meanings because of how it sounds. This is a phenomenon across languages, but particularly English. English translations of the Bible will tend to replace the Hebrew word הָֽאָדָם ha-a-dam "Adam" with Man. Likewise the Greek word anthropos means Man. The name Adam is actually the Hebrew word for Man. It literally means "of the earth". What makes Man unique among creatures is being made in the image and likeness of e-lo-him or God. Scholars have noted that the Hebrew word for God is rendered in many places as plural, which implies many gods. Jesus Christ reveals that God is three Persons—a Trinity—therefore, when viewed through a New Testament lens, the plural form of the Hebrew word elohim is not contradictory, it merely took time to be revealed. As for the word Human in the Bible—when you go to the original languages, you just won't find it.

You will find an early version of the word in Latin: hu...
saved 246d
False. God is love. Love is not a frequency. It is a state of being. "Dearly beloved, let us love one another, for charity is of God. And every one that loveth, is born of God, and knoweth God" (1 Jn. 4:7).
saved 246d
You sound like a delusional skitzophrenic. I'm not a human. I'm a man. Nothing more; nothing less. Hue-man is the "color of man." It is a legal entity that is utterly dead. A man, on the other hand, is a living being, comprised of body and soul, and made in the image and likeness of the Creator. A hue-man could be anything you want: a lizard, a corporation, an alien, a trust. It is entirely fictional. So, to answer your preposterous question, no, I'm not a lizard or a human. I'm a man.
saved 247d
lol, at least I don't suffer from the delusion that humans are reptiles in disguise. What's next? Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster are real? Or were they also reptilian hoaxes meant to mislead the masses?
saved 247d
So is brushing our teeth in the morning.

Human beings ritualize everything. I can only speak with respect to the Pope's veneration of the statue of the baby Jesus. This is something that takes place on Christmas Eve every year as the statue is placed in the manger. The Pope carries the statue to the manger, venerates the statue with a kiss, and places the statue in the manger. It is nothing more than showing reverence for the Holy Image of Jesus Christ—an act of piety. If we all knew the gift of God, we would all seek to reverence the image of Christ with a kiss.

I still can't speak as to what is happening in the other image, but can assure you there is no ritual in the Catholic Church that resembles whatever is being depicted.
saved 248d
The Pope is merely venerating a statue of the infant Jesus on Christmas Eve. This is an ancient tradition and there is nothing wicked about it. Not sure what's going on in the other picture, but they are not related.
saved 1044d
saved 1044d
The shot is a toxin. It has been shown to contain several toxic substances including Graphene Oxide and Polyethylene Glycol, not to mention the mRNA "package" that turns the body into an S-Protein factory. The problem is not breakthrough, it's the shot.
saved 1045d
Perhaps they all forgot that death is inevitable, no matter the cause. What truly matters is how we live.
saved 1046d
saved 1051d
saved 1053d
saved 1053d