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saved 1157d
The idea that we have the power or ability in and of ourselves to come to such a realization is what I contest. What we think is informed by our senses or thru teaching. It is possible to move beyond senses, but only because someone else showed us the way.
saved 1157d
And my point is that in order for one to do that, they need to learn that the reality they have been led to believe is a lie. That comes from without. This is why so many accept the mainstream narrative and reject the truth.
saved 1158d
I mean, it only costs a few cents more for HIGH QUALITY IMAGE! haha

P.S. That guy on the right holding the bag was the first BTCer to get rekt.
saved 1158d
It's a meme! But, since you went there...your statement is a bit of a paradox. Freeing oneself implies that the solution is within. Ego is not a solution, and is more often the problem. Freedom comes not from within, then, but from without.
saved 1158d
saved 1159d
Recent unconstitutional mandates challenge what these men fought to defend. It's time for the gang to get back together. Let's go!
saved 1159d
haha, so woke that racism extends even to election races. haha
saved 1159d
I'd like to suggest a couple tweaks to the input field in Twetch. Make it so that SHIFT-HOME or END will highlight a single row of text. Also, make it so the HOME or END key will move the cursor to the beginning or end of the line you're on. 💙 @852
saved 1159d
Unconstitutional. Infringes upon, at the least, the 1st, 4th, and 14th amendments. Lawyers should have a field day with this. As for participating in "their society," they can keep it. BSV is free & open wherever you go.
saved 1160d
The question is how it's being spread. So-called "variants" may be mutated versions of the S1 protein, but how do those get spread? Aerosol droplets? Schmutz? Handshakes? How else might these toxins be spread?

saved 1160d
There's a reason they call them "cell" phones. People are prisoners to their own devices. Then again, that's been the case since Adam & Eve.
saved 1160d
saved 1164d
"Our hearts were made for Thee, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord." - St. Augustine
saved 1165d
Sometimes finding oneself reveals who to avoid. “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many." -Matt. 7:13
saved 1165d
saved 1165d
saved 1165d
Science is the new State Religion. Bow down before the altar of Jabbo or face the wrath of the vaxxxed!
saved 1167d
It has been said the truth will make us free. The challenge is in realizing that neither the red nor the blue pill lead to the truth. Morpheus is the god of dreams. Time to wake up, then, and see with our own eyes.
saved 1169d
Either that or they could rise up and send tyrants to the guillotine as they did during the French Revolution.

saved 1169d
saved 1169d
There was a time when we had to memorize phone numbers because there were no contacts apps. There was a time when we had answering machines that recorded messages on tape while we were away. I remember getting by just fine and with greater peace of mind.
saved 1170d
saved 1170d
saved 1170d
saved 1170d
"no 'victim' of the double spends that occurred have come forward, so it’s possible the attack sought to simply wreak havoc rather than make a profit."

Possible? Or likely? Who goes through the effort to attack a chain without seeking profit?