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saved 1148d
saved 1152d
saved 1152d
saved 1153d
Yes, which is essentially what subsidiarity is all about. In other words, appealing to Rome for every little thing should be an absolute last resort. Local bishops should be taking care of everything they possibly can for their people.
saved 1153d
An uninformed laity means that the power/authority centralizes into bureaucracies of small groups, usually people nominated by their bishops, etc. It's really not much different than what we're dealing with in general: Normies vis-a-vis truthers.
saved 1153d
The Pope is like the worldwide public image of the Latin Church, but truly any Catholic is a public representative of the Church. The issue with the Church's involvement in public square is that the laity is uneducated.
saved 1153d
As for real science, the Church does need to stop pandering and start investigating, but that can't happen until we clean up the padiddling. The same creeps that infiltrated governments worldwide have also infiltrated the Church.
saved 1153d
So, I am backpedaling on doctrine, but in terms of governance, which was the original topic, the Church would still stand to gain from exercising the principle of subsidiarity. This is something Pope Francis promotes, which seems contrary to the NWO.
saved 1153d
The CDF is made up of bishops and theologians who work together to promulgate and defend the Church's doctrine. In this regard, there is value in having a central authority. Otherwise, rogue bishops could start spreading heresies.
saved 1153d
On second thought, the Church does has the CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), which distributes new teachings to the bishops. The bishops are to disseminate those teachings accordingly in their respective territories.
saved 1153d
saved 1153d
Human beings are by nature embodied spirits. That's what makes us unique among creatures. It is also what connects us to the Divine. Our spirit (soul) is like God in that it is eternal and has free will.
saved 1153d
It's about time people moved beyond that pattern. What's the definition of insanity? The media is nothing but a horrifying bedtime story to keep people dreaming about the reality they wish they could escape. It's easy. Turn them off.
saved 1153d
What the world, and the Church, needs, is less bureaucracy and more autonomy. That is why the Traditionalists have always focused on formation of the individual conscience--a reasonably principled way of life. This forms the basis for self-governance.
saved 1153d
The purpose is centralized control of authority. For all its problems, even the Catholic Church has a better approach whereby bishops oversee their respective territories. But, even they have centralized nationally under the auspices of "conferences".
saved 1154d
Don't buy senators. Run for senate yourself. Buying people off perpetuates everything that is wrong with government today. Don't join them, beat them!
saved 1155d
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God, have faith also in me." -John 14:1
saved 1155d
Logos is rising. They have already lost.

saved 1156d
saved 1156d
If you're looking for an offline solution, ElectrumSV and Simply Cash are the better options. Simply Cash on an old phone with no internet connection is as close to hardware as you can get without trying to hack a Ledger to work with ElectrumSV.
saved 1156d
It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. BSV is meant to be used, so you may want to keep a certain amount in each wallet. If you just want to stash some away, you might consider Simply Cash on an old phone. ElectrumSV is also good on desktop.
saved 1156d
saved 1156d
saved 1157d
Senses; it comes from without via the senses. Then we internalize it. There is much we can learn from observing nature. But, insofar as we can say we are connected to nature, we also, by nature of our upright posture, stand opposed to it.
saved 1157d
Pope St. Pius X defined modernism as the "synthesis of all heresies". It has one goal: The destruction not of the Catholic religion alone, but of all religion (see Pascendi Dominici Gregis, 1907 Encyclical).