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saved 995d
Good point. Do you believe that scientist are being paid to give these theories and do you believe its a global problem of scientist being paid off?
saved 995d
Not sure what it is. Ive heard of the sun theory and seems pretty legit. But to deny it exist is kinda crazy we can see it. And everyone says the same about tesla. Hopefully ill have one #soon
saved 995d
Youre on twetch he probably hates you double now
saved 995d
Its like they dont even understand what craig is saying. Like i fuckin get it maybe thats why im here on twetch and bsv
saved 996d
So when do you hold things as fact? Or do you continue doubting things or believe conspiracy? When do you say ok the science says the earth is round. And you accept it? Or do you never do that and wait till the next generation do that?
saved 996d
Heading back to NY after a weekend with my kids in Pennsylvania mad traffic must be coingeek conference 😁
saved 997d
Mi negro te amo papi
saved 997d
How ny feels. We dont studder here. Yo check them illegals at the border bring them here since the farmers only hire blonde hair blue eye people 😂😂 lets go baby new world... lets go...america lives again
saved 997d
Yeah im dumb bro teach me.
saved 997d
Number pamp more
saved 997d
No youre scrappy. I can tell a scrappy guy when i see one. You watch tv with you leg over the armrest. Lol i dont like suits worst i dont like millenials dressed down but they are suits at heart. I fuck with guys like you all day. All the best bro
saved 997d
Bro here you go...i didnt say she wasnt sharing i only said what it sounded like to me. Ruth is huge in bsv the last thing i want to do is offend her. It sounds like everyones trying to figure things out stop acting like you have the answers already
saved 997d
Im not trying to diss you ruth but you sound a little bit of a hypochondriac. And please dont take this as an attack its just what it sounds like
saved 997d
Goodmorning beautiful people just a reminder craig wright is satoshi and BSV is the shit. Also youre already on twetch hanging with the cool kids 😎 youre already ahead of the game
saved 997d
Maybe im not sure. If a new varient comes out i probably will. But i think i got the jab in august so i have a bit of time. Ill play it by ear i guess 🤷🏽‍♂️
saved 998d
Number pamp
saved 998d
Your body man i believe in science and i go by what my doctor tells me. I got it and im fine. I put worse shit in my body im not worried about a vaccine. Do you research the meds the doc gives you when youre sick? Be honest..
saved 998d
2 faggots
saved 998d
I can tell you this for sure as a dad that had a kid in the NICU for 10 months. If youre child is in the NICU and youre not vaccinated youre a peace of shit. You know how vulnerable those kids are? And you walking around like fuck my kid?
saved 998d
Anyone going to coingeek conference in nyc hit me up.
saved 998d
🤕 youre so mean in real life but on tv youre funny. And i dont know what semblance means. So im rubber youre glue randyyyyyy 😆
saved 998d
PSA: go fuck yourself
saved 999d
Bunch of people on youtube showing off their whip skills why would you need a whip for nowadays? And why do you need skill in it?
saved 999d
Wait... theres differnt ones?
saved 999d
I dont know why but i really like this guy. @462