
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Writer and supporter of Bitcoin Cash who wants to help make the world a better place.

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replied 1917d
I don't want everything I write on chain. I want the option of being able to edit and delete.
replied 1922d
I'm aware. Joe will eventually be explaining all that to his new friend Ashley ;)
replied 1940d
replied 1940d
Someone who has a ton of coins.
replied 1941d
so am i whale.
replied 1941d
You don't know that I'm a cis anything.
Any BCH whales on memo? #dailymemo
Memo is probably the best place for someone to get started in Bitcoin Cash. They can experience sending and receiving and I'm sure people will donate some sats to play with. #dailymemo
replied 1942d
Hahaha good suggestion. I'm not a Chinese food expert though so maybe I'll write about some other food I'm more familiar with =)
What should I write about next? #dailymemo
muted 1944d
unfollowed 1944d
replied 1944d
Thanks for this too, for reminding me why I muted you.
replied 1944d
Maybe you are right. Maybe I am mentally retarded. Thanks for the the constructive comments.
replied 1944d
After 4 months did you notice much a difference in how you felt?
replied 1944d
for me it's cuz i got this idea from watching a documentary called Game Changers on Netflix. They called it a plant based diet so I'm just copying them.
replied 1944d
yeah i can see that happening. i still crave meat, but not as much as i thought i would.
replied 1944d
could be. I don't know who to believe anymore, so doing this so i can see for myself. if after a couple of months i don't feel a difference, i'll go back to eating meat.