
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Writer and supporter of Bitcoin Cash who wants to help make the world a better place.

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replied 1619d
I don't lift. I do some pushups/pullups/light jogging and that's pretty much it for trying to stay in shape. I haven't seen any huge differences yet.
Been on a plant based diet pretty much since the beginning of the month. Surprised how easy it is. Let's see how I feel after a couple of months. #dailymemo
replied 1620d
Thank you for your support! I think so too. It has the potential to change the world.
I'm so happy to be writing about Bitcoin Cash again. #dailymemo
replied 1620d
Yeah I understand. All depends on what you're looking for.
replied 1635d
So ur in favor of switching from sha256?
replied 1635d
What do you mean by this?
Sometimes, my entire life feels like everything that's happened is all connected. Like remembering the transactions going all the way back to genesis. #dailymemo
The title of my novel is "Insomniac's Dream". #dailymemo
followed 1637d
I shoulda taken my own advice from 9 #dailymemo ago.
followed 1638d
replied 1638d
I went cuz it's the only eatery that accepts BCH near me, but now I genuinely like the food and it's healthier than what I usually eat so there's that. I like the cauliflower curry.
If anyone on Memo lives near here:

Prove u went and paid for something in BCH and I'll send u some so ur next meal there can be on me.

replied 1639d
Great idea, I'll see if I can get this added soon
When I was younger I used to think I was blessed to have a dream, something significant to work towards. But now as I get older I wonder if it hasn't been more of a curse. #dailymemo
Just woke up from a nap. As I get older I realize how underrated naps are. The goal isn't financial freedom, it's being free to take naps whenever I want. #dailymemo
replied 1645d
He's just a crypto celebrity.
If you're not on, I suggest you sign up. Use Jt's referral code if you do:

replied 1647d
Memo is a great slp token wallet. Even if you're not here for the social media, I think there's plenty of other things going on.
replied 1648d
What are some suggestions?
replied 1676d
Yeah I've just muted him. I see no point discussing anything with him. He's probably the most toxic person on this platform.