
Joined Nov 12, 2018

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Am here seated on a 3 legged stool trying to come into terns with ways to raise bootcamp fees, well not that much but again not that available from my own end.
The options I think I have stands at: Poll created.
created poll 1864d
Would you loan me to: 1. work on a project of your choice after Bootcamp.
2. Repay you on agreed installments.
Both ptions pegged on mutual trust and also willing to incorporate certificate withhold.
Work on project of your choice. 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Repay on installments 0 votes · 0 satoshis

2015d · memo
Coming soon...
2012d · Bitcoin Cash
quick note: Cash Accounts just entered beta - go test it at - public, decentralized, open aliasing system for all. :)
replied 2054d
Miners value things in multiple timescales and they are clearly signalling their valuation by not going back to BTC despite being 500,000 exahashes ahead.
replied 2054d
White men are people too
"The lord works in mysterious ways"
set profile pic 2055d
replied 2055d
En Fri Mand
Two polar bears strangling each other.
replied 2055d
En Fri Mand
Wait what coins you humans talking about
followed 2055d
followed 2055d
followed 2058d
replied 2061d
Might give a hand in attempts to keep close a certain circle of followers on feet.
What business is it a young Kenyan dreamer doing in such a big space? Well, growth is essential. Thank you to the one ninja who've led me here. Check me out on Beautiful steps and gazes about Keeenya.
set profile pic 2061d
set name to murathe 2061d
followed 2061d