
Joined Apr 15, 2018

"Never, never, never give up" - Winston Churchill

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Why is Phil Wilson not answering a very simple question?

Great to see Greg Maxwell posting under his own name now:

Odd to see /r/btc not taking a step back to say "wait, isn't Greg Maxwell the guy who like, literally helped kill Bitcoin?" "why is he 'helping' us?"

#BSV #Bitcoin
First hackathon in Berlin for Bitcoin SV.

#BSV #Hackathon #Bitcoin #BitcoinSV

The first one will be a warm up, then it's on to bigger things!


Not even a week ago Greg Maxwell got caught leading discussion in /r/btc.

Since then it is now largely forgotten and is a distant memory.

Where the conclusion of seemingly many on /r/btc is that yes it was Greg Maxwell, but what he was saying wasn't so bad. I.e they're happy with his content.

To put this in perspective, this is a person who co-founded Blockstream, a company which has probably single-handedly done the most distraction in the Bitcoin community.

/r/btc fails to address the elephant in the room.

Why would Greg Maxwell spend the last 9 odd months pushing narratives into /r/btc? Why would most of these narratives be focused on trying to discredit Craig Steven Wright?

Furthermore, why did some of the moderators of /r/btc ban the only users who actively called the soakpuppetry out? Why then after it's shown that it has been a long process of misinformation do those same moderators lift the ban, since those who have been banned have been shown to be cor...
sent · 100,000 sats 1841d
If Bitcoin cash is meant to be constantly under attack, why isn't it?

Why is CSW being attacked? Why are actors like Greg Maxwell trying to divide us more? Why are they trying to keep people away from the truth?

Why does Greg Maxwell constantly attack Bitcoin?
1843d · US Politics/Trump
I don't think very good.. Alas this is what LightRider is paid to do, so don't expect him to stop.
#BSV is #Bitcoin.

#CSW is the main part of #Satoshi

#/r/btc is just as blind as #/r/Bitcoin

#QAnon is real
A friend shared this with me, quite an interesting read:
sent · 555 sats 1843d
Huhmm.. I'd like to ponder a guess who you are.

A bit of me feels that we've met.
1843d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
1843d · US Politics/Trump
1843d · QAnon
That should be enough to keep you quite for about an hour or so.
1843d · QAnon
1843d · QAnon
You should really change what you read Mr LightRider, here:
Why are the moderators at /r/btc deleting threads, as well as banning the only people who seemingly called out Greg Maxwell?
1847d · US Politics/Trump
Hopefully General Flynn is indeed freed, looks like some people will be in some deep poo poo.
1847d · US Politics/Trump
Surly I'd be a big win, and such an easy win at that. Right?

Come on Vitalik, show everyone who's boss. By showing to a court CSW is lying.