
Joined Apr 15, 2018

"Never, never, never give up" - Winston Churchill

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replied 1750d
You're telling me I could actually be muted, just not yet know it!
replied 1751d
Okay, it doesn't appear on Twetch, but I can view things on Twetch.

replied 1751d
If I comment here on, does it show up on Twetch?
replied 1753d
I wonder how many times BitFinex will be able to artificially pump up the price of Bitcoin.

Surly there is a limit.

And surly they're playing with fire especially since the NY AG said they were not to.

replied 1753d
What happens if there's a contentious split?
Nope.. Nothing much seems to be happening here.

Sorry, but momentum is on #BSV.
Just realised that anything on doesn't show up on

Let's see how the actively is here..
217 characters, lol!
replied 1753d
In any contentious split you will kill adoption.

This will happen again and again for Bitcoin cash. Sorry.
replied 1754d
What a time to be alive!
A small change now amounts to a massive change in the future.

In 2013 people toyed with the idea of small blocks, this has killed Bitcoin core.

In 2018 people toyed with the idea of changing the protocol and allowing laundering operations to flourish, this will kill Bitcoin cash.

Bitcoin still survives in the form of Bitcoin SV, and the amount of growth in the ecosystem is testament to this. It will flourish in the most positive way.
replied 1754d
Each day that passes I am more reassured of on decision.

Bitcoin cash is headed for a bad time.

The now thing it can offer is for a hedge to the corrupt Bitcoin core people.
It's easy as a Bitcoin cash advocate to all out Bitcoin core, actually, it's unfair because anyone can understand Bitcoin core has knowingly broke the system.

It's not as easy for a Bitcoin cash advocate to attack Bitcoin SV, because their arguments all fall on the floor after enough debate.
Why are nearly all exchanges complicit in hiding or not calling out the likely fraud which is #tether?

Will they be treated kindly when it is eventually exposed?

Will the exchanges who call out the likely fraud now be in a better situation that those who don't?

Will whistle blowers of Tether be given less harsh punishment?

Have some already whistle blew, but others are still sticking to agreements?

Tick tock...
replied 1754d
What happens when there is a split?

Bitcoin cash loves splits, and is prone to splits because of developers squabbling over the protocol.

On do I only see posts which occurred on BSV, and none from BCH, or?
replied 1783d
Cry me a river.

It wasn't an issue with BCH, and it's still okay now.
If you are a "king" but don't have independent thinkers by your immediate side, you are open for gradual manipulation.

How to determine if you have independent and reliable thinkers on your side is another question entirely.
One of the biggest losses in the BSV / BCH split was Roger Ver.

I truly believe he was conflicted at the time, it was made worse by CSW's email, and a resulting mob coming to Roger's support.

Bitcoin lost an integral marketing driver (

More unfortunate was the loss of an overseeing group to the developments of ABC et al.

As a result Roger's energy is wasted in two senses, first because it is not towards Bitcoin, second because it will be put to a end eventually.
replied 1790d
Calm down tiger.
replied 1791d
Don't expect someone to sit around when you bad mouth your ex boyfriend.

He's just not that into you.
replied 1791d
Are you the ex girlfriend that Amaury's been talking about?

You seem infatuated with CSW.

Makes sense though..