How do I sue my father sherman schlar for stealing my computer previously, when his wife is a lawyer?
How old are you? Do you depend on them in any way? I would get as far away as possible. Chalk it up to life lesson and forget about getting back at them.
Is there any genuine concern with someone spamming the network with transactions considering how cheap it is to send them? Would it cause any problems if someone did?
Nothing like a currency that criples itself (rendering most services built around it temporarily unusable) every 6 months with a "stress test". IMHO the test wasn't for fun.
I say we do it once a month until we have a product that can kick ass and take names. So many things got fixed/problems revealed yesterday. After a few times we'll be running smoothly.
Great job on the stress test to all who participated! Now, either get to work or get lost! Giant opportunity to fix holes and identify problems! Let the beatings begin...
Unfucking believable how my transactions still go through and are cheap/fast...I came here from ETH lol...
Once I figured this out I shitcanned all my ETH 4 BCH! Still have lots of shit tokens tho. Slp may be the answer to that! Or bitcoin token (not the token but the protocol.)
What would you rather have happen? The bar owner close down and risk the livelihood of his other employees? Are you an idiot or are you just pretending to be one?
That's the thing, with capitalism people volunteer for the job that they want. In pinko commie socialist land, you are voluntold what job you will do.
Guys: Coinex are going to try to steal the BCH ticker if they lose the hash war. Read their latest anouncement. Do NOT keep all of your BCH on their exchange to keep it "safe" as