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saved 73d
$5 > $200
saved 74d
I'm glad Twetch has risen from the dead, clearly the rumours of its death have been greatly exaggerated. Onwards and upwards from here on!
saved 79d
The forces of evil are conspiring to prevent us from doing Commerce. SOS Twetch Gods!
saved 1171d
The Seattle Computer Products deal surely ranks as the greatest showcase of the ‘art of the deal’ in corporate history. Epic foresight mixed with right place at the right time.
saved 1171d
Such wise rules, could almost say very cunning and foxy. Definitely watch and learn.
saved 1171d
It sure smells a lot like December 2017. In fact it’s not just a smell but a stench. The end is nigh?
saved 1172d
Anyone know of a NFT grading company I get to grade my cartoon egg? I plan a long term hod’l before I dump it on a sucker, who’s probably yet to be born.
Fancy thinking something that can’t stand out, because others similar will degrade, can sustain value.
saved 1172d
Your $1,000 BSV within 2 months prophecy ends 8 June 2021?.... Day 1 of CoinGeek Zurich. If you’re presenting then do have some clothes on.
saved 1172d
Reminds me of this BSV’er last year who on Twitter wrote that BTC will never go over $10k again and if it did he would give a BTC to everyone who liked his tweet. When the “slap yourself” moment happened his Twitter account disappeared.
saved 1173d
Some scams on Twetch of late. If I created one it would be; 5000 branches & I send everyone $1000 each. If the branches was reached I’d make sure it ticked over at least by 1 more then I’d refuse to payout as it wasn’t 5000 branches but was more. Asperger.
saved 1173d
Centralised Apps such as this can do as they please; will never see Greg Maxwell allowed to join. Similarly centralised Twitter had every right to ban #45. If we don’t like it we can create a competitor and entice the ban’ees.
However, I do agree with you.
saved 1173d
“I think BTC will stay up for a long time. I don’t really see it crashing. I actually hope it does stay up”.
- Calvin Ayre

Hopefully BSV peeps can now move on from the “BTC $0 coming” crap. Money talks, it always has.

saved 1174d
After 2020 ‘one step forward, two step back’ as long as we’re moving ahead that is all one could ask for in life now.
saved 1175d
Amy Castor, in her recent CoinGeek Conversation triumphantly proclaims “I do so much reading”.

The world is going to be stunned when the Bitcoin economy begins to emerge and they can no longer deny it. There’s a wide gap between reading and understanding.
saved 1175d
28 Nov 2012:
“An increasing number of online shops and businesses accept bitcoins as payments and currently each bitcoin is worth about £8”.

Those who crippled BTC have allowed us to future profit from this.
saved 1177d
Kurt, if Bitcoin was to capture all world commerce the value of a Satoshi would make micropayments impossible. Some BSV’ers reply, when required the number of Satoshi’s will be increased by making a Bitcoin 16 decimal places.
Any thoughts on this nonsense?
saved 1177d
“An order that at the Claimant’s option and at the expense of the Defendant, appropriate measures are taken for the dissemination and publication of any judgement or order made in this case”

TRANSLATION: lol @ BSV’ers thinking we’ll let them know CSW = SN
saved 1178d
As soon as the “Mute Twetch Users” feature is rolled out I know exactly which account I will be applying it to.
saved 1179d
http://www.snailracing.net/ moves faster than anything associated with the lawr.
saved 1179d
As a Taal shareholder I wonder which of those bricks I own? 🤔
saved 1179d
Eventually someone with a decent Twitter presence will realise that Twitter itself is an antiquated middleman. “In 1 month I forever leave Twitter, so join me on Twetch”. Converting some freebie into paying followers is profitable. Exclusivity is the hook.
saved 1179d
Probably a good idea to dump all BSV for Duro.
saved 1179d
Can buy one now for $20. Next stop a Duro.
saved 1180d
The mobile App is the feature that will catapult Twetch to the stratosphere. The E&D posts is a nice to have for a minority of passionate users. When Twetch has rolled out everything, Twitter will be in huge trouble if Twetch can mass advertise themselves.
saved 1181d
I expect enemies to publish this soon™ “Twetch (a buggy, slow Twitter rip-off for cult BSV) added a couple extra users yesterday and their entire App slowed to a crawl. This proves the alt coin BSV is badly designed. Original BTC suffers none of this”. 🤡