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saved 1190d
F you. What’s in it for me? I will not do as you want I will do things my way. I have my credit card receipt of www.pens.com when I registered it. See you in court.
saved 1191d
So 2,066 people have used Twetch in the last 30 days. Commiserations to the people who last posted 31 days ago, you have missed out on receiving your cartoon egg which other cartoon lovers are willing to sell one of their lungs for.
saved 1191d
God... I was looking at my mirror. I alone created everything about the pen, but I had some office boys clean up my dirtied floors. I was able to provide broadband Internet to the residents of woop woop as part of my creation. Anyone seen my wheelbarrow?
saved 1191d
I alone invented the pen. If it was sold under another name then I wouldn’t have any problem with it, however I alone am the sole issuer of all pens. This is your final warning, please don’t ask me to explain anymore. Now do as I say and not as I do.
saved 1191d
The sucker who eventually ends up buying my cartoon egg hasn’t even been born yet. Hodl’ing works, BTC has conclusively proved this. It’s only your preconceived bias, & obedience to idols, that makes you deny the reality of 12 years of empirical evidence.
saved 1191d
Future: Nah, I never said I’d dump pens to crash the price, even if I wanted to I don’t have the power. Besides I take my fiduciary responsibility on boards who deal with pens really, really, really seriously. We need to protect innocent pen users too!!!
saved 1191d
In poker you got knocked out on the bubble. No soup for you.
saved 1191d
I’m starting to think you’re FakeNumptoshi, because the real Numptoshi would encourage use and replenish not just buying.
saved 1191d
Does anyone know if it’s possible to pay Twetch so when I scroll through posts I don’t see some cartoon battered chicken piece gif? The constant swirling is having me on the verge of on epileptic seizure.
saved 1192d
Most manuscripts of Revelations 13:18 call 666 “the number of the beast". However a fragment from the earliest papyrus classified this number as 616. Is this proof that $tendies are for the cabal of Demonic worshipping Satan occult? Let that sink in.
saved 1193d
Everytime Taal mines a block they’re helping to support the price of BSV. This in turn provides them with even more incentive to continue to hod’l to support their ever increasing balance sheet hoard. The beauty of this is the perfectly circular effect.
saved 1193d
Your understandable misinterpretation tacitly suggests CSW is Satoshi. Thousands of shit-coins exist today because Satoshi was woeful in clearly & unambiguously explaining that the rules of the system alone define what Bitcoin is. CSW often is ambiguous.
saved 1193d
To be fair, re-read it a few more times without assuming it necessarily means the same USD value next year. The plumber is referring to Bitcoin being the same protocol and this makes it unchangeable. “Bitcoin needs to be the same” = locked protocol.
saved 1193d
Anything beautiful Albert puts his paws of approval on is something worth liking.
saved 1195d
The overseers textbook overthink, “sell everything head for the exits”. Mathematically, programmatically and economically their arguments are sound but anyone who listened to their diabolical advise doesn’t understand mob psychology.
saved 1196d
Reminds me of a 2019 attack article which banged on about if BSV ever got its wish & 2Gb blocks were regularly filled most nodes would quit. Conveniently they ignore that if 2Gb blocks were regularly filled miner fees would be a huge incentive for miners.
saved 1197d
“Quite” and “Quiet” such a little typo but such a big difference in meaning. Now my poor grammar will forever be immortalised on the Blockchain.... until one-day it gets archived that is.
Maybe a Twetch service? 1c to guarantee no spelling/grammar errors.
saved 1197d
There’s been quiet a number of “We are delighted to announce {insert name here} will be speaking at CoinGeek Zurich” tweets of late. 3-2-1... trolls ready aim and start harassing each and everyone.
saved 1199d
No-one from Polka is suing anyone. Polka doesn’t have any followers who claim their leader is Jesus incarcerate. No Polka leader spends time trolling their own supporters. No-one in Polka is wastes time on plumbing instead they concentrate on pump & dump!
saved 1200d
Aesop’s Fables, the Greek fabulist credited with the story of a race between a fast, but an often distracted hare, and a slow but relentless tortoise. 2600 years later me thinks the BSV Network is the tortoise. Slow and steady will win this race peeps. 💪
saved 1200d
A friend told me he’s bullish for BTC because of the stance taken by Saylor, Tutor Jones, Drunkenmiller, Kaiser, Pal, etc.

You have to award the BTC’ers an A+++ result for marketing. “Intimidation through numbers” is a proven excellent marketing ploy.
saved 1200d
In his 2 March tweet to Peter Schiff, attacking gold, Mark Cuban wrote “BTC/Eth are technologies that can... allow friction free exchange of value”.

Me thinks the BSV network has little to worry about when proponents of rival projects are so clueless.
saved 1202d
Direct link:

(entire video worth a listen, modest guy).
saved 1202d
Here’s a thought. What’s stopping Elon from announcing 1 BTC = 1 Roadster? This would then instantly catapult BTC to be worth USD $250,00? Whilst the BSV’er cult keep screaming “BTC has no value” everyone else is accepting it has real tangible value now.
saved 1202d
Can’t you see the real meaning of the quote? The first sentence has 17 words, this represents the 17th letter of the alphabet “Q”. Notice how it says “at this time” and then specifically mentions “Bitcoin SV”. Elon knows about rEaL BiTcOiN. Trust the plan!