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saved 1187d
Wait until Bet David realizes that instead of always giving away their YouTube show they can create an exclusive pre-recorded episode for Streamanity and then rake in some serious Benjamin’s. The pursuit of revenue, from Bitcoin, is an economic home run.
saved 1187d
EHR Data has a new ‘Company Update’ blog post on their web-site, “The opioid proof of concept in Missouri has been sidelined due to numerous obstacles”.

The tortoise slow and steady wins the race, and this awesome company will eventually change the world.
saved 1187d
Time for 🐸 to add a new Raspberry Pi to the Twetch rack of Servers as things are running a touch slooooow at the moment.
saved 1187d
Just saw your verification on Twitter. I wanted to say whilst I don’t agree with all you write there I very much enjoy your posts and wish you well here in Twetch. The world will come around and realize the economic model of Twetch is indeed the future.
saved 1187d
Anyone know when Pakistan FakeToshi and Belgium FakeToshi will be joining Twetch?
saved 1187d
I really like Abendum, it seems like an excellent program which just lets the BSV network do its thing in the background without having to promote it. Seems like a winning formula to me. Though you’re right there will be competing approaches as well.
saved 1187d
You can make way more on Twitter (by promoting whatever and receiving brown paper bag money) but the ball is definitely now rolling that the Twetch model is the future. Long ago I wrote I wonder what happens when Twitter offers $$$ to buy then bury Twetch?
saved 1187d
Allan Lichtman 1
Armenia’s Greatest Export 0

Telling Lichtman how he should interpret his model is like a BTC’er telling Satoshi how to interpret Bitcoin. Pupil vs Master.

Welcome to Twetch.
saved 1187d
Especially if they’re not even aware they’re using it. By masking BSV completely hidden under fiat, it really shines. This way there’s no need to educate anyone about it. Set everything in local fiat and let the corresponding Satoshi’s fluctuate as needed.
saved 1187d
The BSV Maxi’s (not referring to you) proclaim the token “the greatest medium of exchange the world has ever seen”. However, as you correctly note, one wouldn’t want to spend BSV if you think it will appreciate higher than the item being received. Awkward.
saved 1187d
If this depicts a hard shell then it’s a crime against culinary humanity imho. Once you go to Mexico you will see that they have set-in-stone the original protocol; the soft corn or soft flour tortilla. The original and the best perfection.
saved 1187d
There certainly is a sucker born every minute. I will dump my cartoon Egg on one of them in more than a decades time. My sales pitch will be “this was the very 1st air drop made by the biggest social media company in the World; Twetch. A piece of history”.
saved 1187d
As the Blockchain can prove chronological order it’s possible that the 1st type of each release could retain and increase in value. In this respect the first ever air drop which is the cartoon Egg may prove you right. Hence I will hod’l for a decade & see.
saved 1187d
Interestingly in the most recent Kurt YouTube show this dilution issue was raised and it was admitted as being a possibility. Whilst each release itself has a limited number therein the amount of releases themselves are boundless. Hardly unique me thinks.
saved 1187d
Remember when BTC kept dropping under $10k & the BSV Maxi’s would always fall over themselves to retweet the “slap yourself” message? Always pointing & laughing at their 97.6% soon to be jailed enemy? Ahhh the good old days of bashful youthful exuberance.
saved 1187d
Sorry but I the Messianic prophecy clearly dictates the fulfilment of BSV $1,200, all other amounts are fake news. Trust the plan.
saved 1187d
You clearly need to resit plumbing indoctrination class 101. Thou shall not be critical of the party manifesto.
saved 1187d
I’m not sure what Sudan’s Internet coverage is like but beginning right about now me thinks their various banking, minster and telecommunication inbox’s will be getting filled with “don’t associate yourself with a scam, liar, fraud, here read this” msgs.
saved 1189d
I don’t care about USD price as I plan on eventually using my BSV in the Bitcoin economy. What really interests me is the comparison vs BTC. 1d, 7d, 30d have all been taken out. The 90d is now tantalising close. Only when 1y is captured is it party time.
saved 1189d
Unlike real collectables these things never deteriorate so other people’s mishandling will never shine a light on the one’s which have been looked after. If Twetch releases umpteen other cartoon’s then the Egg is just 1 grain of sand on the beach of NFT’s.
saved 1189d
saved 1189d
It seemed liked an Egg-citing idea but the race to the bottom for the cartoon Egg is now on. I Egg-spect to see the resale value to continue to plummet & those hoping to make an Egg-xorbitant money will be Egg-xtremely disappointed.
saved 1190d
You can stick your fiat, and BSV, where the sun doesn’t shine. I’m open to trading my unbelievably super collectable cartoon egg thingy-majiggy for Taal shares only. Please insert your best offer as a reply post.
saved 1190d
This year I take back my pen, all other pens die. There’s only one global pen. I do things my way, the legal way, the way I elect to do things is to swear under oath not debating on the Internet cesspool.

I have to get back to my plumbing day job now.
saved 1190d
My money would be on trading both of your suggestions for 50 Taal shares. After all, as an owner you proportionally own their ever increasing bag of hodl’ed BSV. Besides their model is fiat and one-day if this thing takes off there’s prospect of dividends.