
Joined Apr 11, 2018


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681d · memo
ViaWallet has been added to the block explorer list. Looks like they have good memo support.
802d · memo
Memo server had an outage due to the record 3.8gb block. Everything is resolved and back online now!
Bitcoin is so small you can still run an indexer on a single server
915d · memo site had an outage starting September 21. This was due to server reaching limits. It is now resolved. Current software is still single server so eventually things will stop working again.
Memo BSV node reaching capacity. Might have to take the site down for some time. Next generation of Memo in the works!
1194d · Memo
It is nice that BSV has lifted a lot of the limits and you can write long posts. I am not sure what the current max OP_RETURN size is, but I'm guessing it is higher than 100k now. They also increased the mempool chain limit from 25 to 1,000 with plans to remove it entirely. It makes it easier to use and build on top of when you don't have to deal with these limits. Hopefully Memo SV will one day thrive again! This post is too large for any of the other Bitcoin forks :)
1437d · site status
Memo site had outage due to node going offline. Everything is back online now.
1541d · site status
I am aware of site slowness and am looking into it
1542d · site status
There have been some reports of transactions not propagating. The issue looks to be resolved but I am investigating root cause.
1553d · site status
There was a site outage today caused by a full disk on the master db. It has been resolved and site has returned to normal functionality.
1604d · memo
For users on iOS there have been some improvements when using Memo as a home screen bookmark
1604d · Member
In the explorer dropdown for posts on there is now a link to Member
1631d · Memo
Just released an update to #hashtags. There were a few cases that weren't handled properly. If you notice any #bugs with hash tags please let me know. #memo
1643d · memo
There is now an indicator in profiles that shows when someone is following you
1649d · memo
The token display issue has been resolved. The cache key between and was the same, so it would occasionally show your SV balance.
Instant global secure payments and communication go hand in hand
1650d · Memo
I think I've figured out why token balances sometimes display incorrectly. Should hopefully have a fix out soon
1652d · memo
Muted activity is now removed from the everyone and new posts feeds
1655d · Tokens
If anyone notices tokens missing from their profile please let me know. There have been a few reports recently, trying to get to the bottom of it.
1670d · Bitcoin Cash
In theory when miner income is mostly fees the block time should become even more consistent, making 90 minute blocks almost non-existent
1670d · Bitcoin Cash
Hmm, another 90+ minutes since the last block. With a consistent hashrate this should only happen once or twice a year.
1678d · Bitcoin Cash
Only 6 blocks in the last 5 hours. 1h 20m between two of them. Over an hour since the last block. What happened to hashrate?
1683d · site status
Memo site had a short outage due to a code update. The issue has been resolved, sorry for the inconvenience.
1684d · Memo
You can now view self-replies rolled up. Link in block explorer dropdown, e.g.
1684d · memo
Monthly plan available for users with lots of token purchases -