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saved 1064d
If the BTC coins where to move before the BSV coins, I guess most BSVers would not care anymore. The issue is with BSV coins moving first as it would risk crashing the market while it is still very small hashrate wise.
saved 1072d
There is a virus & a disease, but it is not covid. It is the loss of meaning, forgetting the value of liberty & its responsibilities. The countries where the people have forgotten it the most are the most affected because their immunity to tyranny is weak.
saved 1073d
Funny how times change
saved 1079d
We need to declare that contracting debt in the name of someone else without his express written consent is a felony, and that calling it "public debt" makes no difference.
saved 1080d
saved 1085d
saved 1088d
The matrix is trying to scare us by threatening to eject us from it. What fools we would be to decline such an offer.
saved 1088d
you can take a look here : https://metastore.app/apps?sort=hot&search=trade

maybe TDXP might be your answer ?
saved 1094d
Liberty creates beauty. The more we drift away from liberty, the more we lose beauty.
saved 1094d
Whistleblower reveals Facebook is optimizing for engagement, which according to their own internal reports means showing you in priority content that makes you angry

video published today before worldwide outage
saved 1095d
[email protected]
even if no idea what ACP means 😆
saved 1099d
If you doubt that, simply ask yourself:
which situation would I rather be in ?
situation 1) your kidnapper who is armed to the teeth offers you to vote for or against your kidnapping
situation 2) you can't vote but you have a gun hidden on you
saved 1099d
Stop thinking you can exerce power over elected officials simply through voting. If they control all the armed forces, all the votes in the world will not change a thing. Decentralizing power is the way to get a balance of power. Then votes will be heard.
saved 1099d
cannot agree more, someone should create https://metastore.app 🤫
saved 1100d
The job of justice is to apply penalties on a case-by-case basis, and to consider innocence, and thus freedom, as the presumption.

Today freedom is applied on a case-by-case basis, and penalties have become the presumption, named taxes, fines, & permits.
saved 1100d
What's reassuring after 2 years of pandemic is that in countries with no lockdown & no vaxpass, almost the entire population has been eradicated by this virus. This is the case with Sweden, which proves that we didn't endure all of this for nothing, right?
saved 1100d
saved 1100d
saved 1100d
Either we defend freedom and accountability of free individuals, or we end up accepting everything in the name of security.
saved 1100d
Do not seek where evil comes from until you have faced your own demons.
saved 1100d
saved 1104d
saved 1105d
In France unvaccinated doctors are now prohibited even from doing computer teleconsultation. But sure this is only for our health.
saved 1105d
Justice got lost when it turned away from the trial jury system.

It is up to the people drawn at random to be the last decision-maker of justice AND NOT TO THE LAW.

A jury can decide on a "nullification", ie decide that the law is bad and made void.
saved 1105d
Many people claim to be fighting for freedom. In fact, they only fight against a tyranny which does not suit them, and for a tyranny which would suits them. Freedom is the full presumption innocence, and that scares many.