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saved 971d
If you understand some things a few years or decades beyond most people, you will be alone but you can become rich and over a few decades, gain trust.

If you understand things a few centuries beyond, you'll just be alone.

Spend your mind time wisely.
saved 971d
The greatest source of suffering in my life remains the need to collapse the pluripotentiality wave function to the actuality of a framed state, the necessary sacrificial element of maturation, the Peter Pan myth. Such a urge to live more.
saved 972d
Inspired by the government on vaccine passeports, I introduce the Murphy-Einstein law, which states: The more the government announces that it is "simplifying" something, the more complex that thing becomes, at a speed of exponential and infinite annoyance
saved 973d
At this point isn't there more chance of the market crashing up rather than down ? A crash up were so much currency is printed that stocks rise when priced in fiat, but actually just reflect money printing - could even be with purchasing power going down.
saved 977d
NFTs are the new shitcoins.

Reading posts daily that are copy pasted from the shitcoins era just replacing "crypto" with "NFT" promising x50 returns in 2 weeks. Seems like nothing pleases a man's mind more than a rebranded casino.
saved 977d
Liberty is a cost function. Which means that as soon as we stop investing in it, we quickly lose it.
saved 979d
What we can build with Bitcoin has more value and can make our life richer than any price going up ever could.
saved 986d
If you take a loan to someone who also controls the currency supply in which that loan is made, you give him the power to control the supply to prevent you from being able to pay back - effectively giving him the power to seize your collateral at will.
saved 987d
Fiat currency is the most corrupt tool in the world and in history.
saved 995d
If you want to really know how free your country is, see how far you can go without having to show an ID proof.
saved 998d
Just a reminder that this is our timeline
saved 1004d
Interesting. Energy fields as the source of illnesses and human to human physical spreading as a false assumption, anyone ?
saved 1004d
Humanity alternates between ages of too much connection to reality (barbarianism, "maths are useless they will not feed you") & ages of too much deconnection from reality (wokeness, "there isn't such a thing as a biological man or woman")
saved 1009d
saved 1009d
This one needs to be on the Blockchain
saved 1009d
As an example, for it to be legal to drink coffee in France today, all you need to do is:
- got 2 experimental injections
- got the boosters
- have your vax pass on you
- present an identity document
- not be on a train
- not be standing up
saved 1009d
Did I forget to say that even with the super-vax-pass-2G+ it is also strictly forbidden to drink during sport if you are practicing inside and no matter how long it lasts ?
saved 1009d
France: to have the most access you now need the "super vax pass 2G+" (official name) which is 2 doses + boosters +PCR. With that you're still forbidden from drinking water in a train, even long distance, standing up in a bar, or not wearing a mask outside
saved 1010d
It is not the constitution or any other piece of paper that protects the people it is the people that protect their constitution by remaining armed.

This should be the first line of any constitution.
saved 1012d
"No need for price go up" doesn't mean that price will not go up. It means that price will go up only if we don't need it to. Paradoxal, yet true.
saved 1012d
my mantra is: "let's ignore social media totally for 3 to 5 years and go build in the dark, creating actual wealth between ourselves by using the technology, then social media will be begging for us instead of the opposite"
saved 1012d
Bitcoiners are too focused on bringing people "in", without making the "in" wealthy in the first place.
saved 1012d
Price is important but is either a private affair between 2 people just like sex, or as an aggregation of information it is a lagging indicator of wealth creation.
saved 1012d
Bitcoin succeeds not with games, but value created within bitcoiners, so much so that they can buy out the world. It's not about bringing people into Bitcoin, but buying the world thanks to the value derived from the technology. No need for price go up.
saved 1014d