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saved 1106d
Liberty begins when you can choose between two things that are truly different to you. Thus our freedom increases when we create more alternatives. Whereas democracy tries to find a single solution and to force it on everyone using the majority.
saved 1107d
by "backend platform" do you mean the blockchain API ? It's the only thing that runs on a server, and is also provided by whatsonchain or mattercloud independantly, and I don't think you would say these stole it from Clemens too ?
saved 1107d
Good for you. As a dev you almost always download the codebase to your own computer or servers to work on editing it, so I don't know what these prove. It's also only half the part of a proof which is about comparing 2 pieces of code.
saved 1107d
not sure it can be said including javascript in op_returns "belongs" to anyone. Someone probably did it before Clemens too. That's why we invented the process of law & proofs to draw the line between theft and inspiration of a general idea.
saved 1107d
saved 1107d
It is likely that BTC coins will always keep at least some non-zero value once tokenized on the BSV blockchain and long after the BTC network stops.

saved 1107d
Tyranny is constantly moving forward in small, very quiet steps. Freedom arrives late but like a tidal wave.
saved 1108d
Don't want to vaccinate ? so you're going to lose your job and your right to travel. Oh, you changed your mind ? great. Please sign this form saying it was a free & voluntary choice.
saved 1108d
Never trust the majority to do the right thing, especially about what matters at their time.
saved 1108d
Who realizes that there is no upper bound to the fee/block reward ratio ? it can literally reach 2000000% on bsv
saved 1108d
It might turn out that a government can only maintain this show for so long as they benefit from massive amounts of capital flowing from outside into their country because the country was poor enough to be attractive for manufacturing relocation.
saved 1108d
The big question of your times is: Where we right to believe that liberty & economic prosperity are linked by natural laws ? Chinese government pretends to prove it wrong, bu it might all be a show, and we will see if they can keep it up over time.
saved 1111d
saved 1114d
good question. Seems we have 226,000 doctors and 700,000 nurses. With the others, the total reaches 1,200,000 from what I found. so we are at 25% of all health workers being concerned
saved 1114d
It is time for entrepreneurs to become freedom fighters and for freedom fighters to become entrepreneurs.
saved 1114d
Living is the most evolved state of matter. — Hubert Reeves, astrophysicist
saved 1114d
The government already started to & threatened to imprison anyone doing underground healthcare, but that is the only way anyway.
saved 1114d
for clarity they actually can resign if they accept to lose all severance pay, but they cannot get another job if they don't, and the government refuses to fire them because that would mean to pay them damages, so they are in a bind.
saved 1114d
Tonight in my country, 300,000 health workers are banned from working but also from resigning, forced to stay deprived of their salary, under penalty of imprisonment, for refusing the vax. 300,000 who still chose to stick to their principles. True heroes.
saved 1120d
just had a special human2human experience on twetch (DMs) that is mainly reliant on bitcoin features and that let me realize that there are interactions happening here that go deeper that on any other digital communication channel.
saved 1120d
The world moves in the direction of those who are determined to surrender nothing to the realization of their dreams. Which means, to sacrifice everything for them.
saved 1120d
Liberty is not subject to a scientific study.
saved 1121d
Fascinated by the fact that english invented 2 words for liberty: "freedom" & "liberty". That isn't the case in my language nor in most. If I get it correctly, liberty is external, about society, and freedom is internal, about a state of mind. Fascinating.
saved 1121d
It is the exchange of goods and services that unites men in liberty.
saved 1121d
In El Salvador, some are getting jailed for taking a stand against BTC as the government wants to force all businesses to accept it. Pretty sure Satoshi would have hated Bitcoin being forcibly imposed.