
Joined Jun 05, 2018

Just a normal person. Yup. Normal. :D

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come come new followers! time to join! (I cant coz i already joined lol)
2214d · Post Your Real Life Name Here
No thanks XD
2214d · Follow Me
Me! And I shall follow the next person who comments after me XD
2233d · Show Off Your Profile Picture Thread
2233d · Show Off Your Profile Picture Thread
2233d · Show Off Your Profile Picture Thread
I really like the fox.
set profile pic 2233d
set profile 2233d
Just a normal person. Yup. Normal. :D
followed topic RoyalTiffany 2233d
followed 2233d
2233d · Send a message to the future
Hope you managed to lost some weight future me :)
2233d · RoyalTiffany
you look lovely :)
2235d · 1 whole BCH opportunity
I'm not hating you pewdiepie88. Just quite surprised the contest ended early and the reason why citybus won instead of following the contest rules set earlier.(especially no. 4)
2235d · Favorite Quotes
You're strong... but I could snap my fingers... and you'd all cease to exist. - Thanos
2236d · Earn tips
the party still on?
2236d · Bitcoin Faucet
faucet time~~~ :D
2236d · Counting
2236d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
Let the mosquito suck blood from someone (don't swat it or tell them) so that it will not come to you. Bite and itch free :D
2236d · 1 whole BCH opportunity
Oh, the contest ended earlier than the 2 weeks mentioned in the first post?
2237d · test topic
Test comment
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