
Joined Apr 21, 2018

Open Bazaar Store with my D&D 5E Creations: ob://QmTmCkNLUcPGvf3mSYDme4UQudgn9oCVqE13GHnrF6sjLj/store

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followed 2241d
followed 2241d
replied 2242d
Have started as England; managed to quickly take York and Rennes while fortifying Caen. Currently bearing down on the lone Welsh settlement before I turn my ire towards the Scots!
Giving myself a proper chance to get into Total War Medieval 2. Have tried it a few times and play other games in the series like Warhammer quite a bit, but Medieval 2 has always alluded me.
Saw Paula Temple last night, great set. Would recommend to anyone who likes driving, fast-paced techno!
Alright time to draw some encounter maps! #DnD
followed 2245d
replied 2248d
I think what really sets it apart from more modern documentaries on the subject is the In-Person interviews taken on people from both sides of the war
replied 2248d
While I'm on the subject, World at War is another fantastic documentary series, again focused on WW2 but from the perspective of the western front.
followed 2248d
followed 2250d
Currently re-watching the Unknown War, super WW2 documentary focusing on the German v Russian conflict, would recommend!
replied 2252d
Now to write up my recap, make a list of improvements I can make to the completed content and continue my work on the content left to create! #DnD
replied 2252d
Certainly a pain trying to manage a split party, need to ensure that you switch focus often so no one sub group gets bored. Ideally you want them to rejoin as quickly as you can! #DnD
Had a good session, forgot my battle-mat but was able to jury-rig a replacement using notebook paper and sellotape. A shorter session but very much action packed as the party finds itself split up #DnD
replied 2256d
Definitely agree re the class advancement, liked what they did in 4e with the prestige classes or whatever they were called. As it stands, I feel levels 10+ are a little weak
replied 2256d
At the same time, allows me to finely tune the amount of XP I grant; so some actions can give more or less XP than others based on their challenge
replied 2256d
I'm an XP giver myself. It's definitely more work than a milestone system; but I feel it gives the players more satisfaction, feels like they worked for the level
2258d · Dungeons & Dragons
As a DM, what is your preferred method of handling experience? (Milestones, XP etc.) As a player, do you have a preference?
replied 2258d
Certainly a time saver, but you also get that clarity of having run the content before, so you're familiar with it and know what worked/didn't work. Great scope for improvement imo
replied 2258d
The group is only recently formed, so this is the first time I'll be able to properly reuse content that I've run for a previous group
Prepping for my D&D game this afternoon, even though I've looked over the content a few times, I still find that each time I tweak things (hopefully for the better)
replied 2259d
What do you not like about 5e?
replied 2261d
Would only have played 5e (and a bit of 4e) myself, didn't realise Pathfinder 2e was even a thing
followed 2263d