Oftentimes there are poker players who cannot, for the life of them, play chess. But most importantly; Visa versa. You could hand them pocket aces but they couldn't play the hand to the river without the nuts. 🙊
So, either click the e.g. keys to decrypt what was said, or you can post your own public key if you like so if anyone wants to send you messages that nobody else can read they can.
Memo shows all protocol-conforming txns, many posts do not come through the site (e.g. the r/btc bot). The reason these don't show up on the site is they are using a different prefix.
the overlords don't think that information should be kept secret anymore?
It's no longer fresh is it? No point in policing month old information especially after the Streisand effect has already occurred. You have proven nothing except outted yourself
Also, dude, you must have fat fingered something when you sent me that message cos all I get is nonsense. If that is the start of some important file youd do better sending ALL INFO
.. explicitly stating the companies support for her campaign saying "I will help anyway I can". They didn't mention David Brock either cos it would draw too much attention to the pedoring
What's funny is that the media were so up in arms about Cambridge Analytics whilst completely ignoring the Democrats equivalent in Media Matters and Facebook's OWN COO Sandberg...
Julian is dead, you will find out soon. Q is legit. Large "elite" pedofile ring to be exposed and swift public hangings to follow not a single powerful child abuser is getting off the hook