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saved 1277d
and most of them just sit there and look cool, but provide no value.
saved 1277d
cryptocurrencies are like bodybuilders........

if they become very big very fast - its probably because of illegal injections.
saved 1279d
$bsv has broke off from crypto influence!
saved 1279d
Do whatever you please, I meant to say that in that specific sentence the world iaouey was redundant. We say hashem instead. You could say "Baruch iaouey" or "Baruch hashem". Not both.
saved 1280d
someone gave me 2 of these a while ago if you want them
saved 1280d
baruch hashem is a saying, baruch hashem yahweh is just a mix of a saying and some orthodox words. if i ask you "how are you today" you would answer "baruch hashem, beseder" or blessed be the name, im good
saved 1280d
ahh, so you are learning hebrew. got it. iv heard its very hard for someone who grew up with English to learn hebrew. good luck!

so barach you mean "ברח" as in to run away, beruk is "ברוך" as in blessed and barak "ברק" is lightning
saved 1280d
I don't really care, I grew up orthodox so I know all this shit.
also, I didn't catch it but you probably meant "baruch ata iaouey", as in a beginning of a blessing. its written "ברוך אתה אדוני"